Love your home! May I ask how much it cost to do your white cabinets? Was that through Coral homes when you built? I really like it

Coral Homes general build thread
Not yet. Considering. Have you? What is the company and the customer service like?

Coral Homes general build thread
I'm new this. How do you reply to someone else messages? No Idea if my message submitted. 😣

Wow your home looks great!! I was wondering with your windows. Did you add a white trimming around them or is this standard with what Coral Homes offer?

Coral Homes - Modified Grange 29
Are you planning to use the upgrades Coral offers? Designer and Elegance. Which one do you guys think is the best offer?

Coral Homes - Modified Grange 29
Thanks for that 😄. I like the home but i want to make quite a few changes too... so trying to figure out would it be too costly but thats…

Hi there. We had picked spotted gum flooring too. How does it look in real life? Does it make the room look darker?

Coral Homes - Modified Grange 29
I love your floorboards! What is it called and is it part of the Coral homes selection?

Coral Homes - Modified Grange 29
Cool! Great to see your tender letter. With corner stacking doors what does the fly screen look like? Is the mesh noticeable or not noticeable?

Coral Homes - Modified Grange 29
How exciting ☺️. Love you family and dining space.

Coral Homes - Modified Grange 29
Thanks for the info ☺️. I will ask the Coral rep and see what they say in terms about all the pricing. There is so many decisions to make when…

Coral Homes - Modified Grange 29
Hello, I'm new to the forums and made an account to post on yours. I've been looking up the grange 29 as I really like this plan but would like…
Looks great! what colour is your splash back?
posted by mpricecs