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509 Posts
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Joined 10 August 2012
Gold Member
11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
kurmond homes

Akaadi, check this thread out http://forum.homeone.com.au/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=64411

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

There are a few of us thinking about building with Kurmond Homes at the moment, so I thought I would start this thread so we can all share our building…

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Hi Big Mama and Happy New Year
Thanks for your 2 cents.... there are lots of things that have happened with our build that I can not comment about on a…

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Re: OMG what are we doing? and are we still doing it!!!

Hi everyone,
We have decided to build a house.... are we crazy :? .... probably..... just like many, many other people.
Over the years we have bought property,…

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Re: OMG what are we doing? and are we still doing it!!!

Who said "Life is not meant to be easy" and who said "Life is so bl***y hard sometimes".
It is a new year tomorrow so must start being positive and leave…

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Hope everyone had a Very Merry Christmas and hope that the New Year is full of good health, good wealth and happiness.
So happy that so many people are progressing smoothly…

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Re: OMG what are we doing? and are we still doing it!!!

Can you be sued for telling the truth? :th:
Will I be 'deleted' from the HomeOne Forum if I tell the truth? :th:

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Understand COMPLETELY about delays. ::sad::

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Re: OMG what are we doing? and are we still doing it!!!

Sorry, I can't say anything. :&
Hopefully soon but at the moment life is not good. ::crying::

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Yes melon168 trust me it can take a long time - well, for us it did/is - some people get things done a bit quicker. :?

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Re: OMG what are we doing? and are we still doing it!!!

Thanks Onewheel and UpsizeTime, we didn't think it would be this hard to build a home. Doesn't even have any 'fancy bit's' to the design. Every builder that…

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with kurmond homes

There is a Kurmond thread on Homeone, check it out to get information about people building with Kurmond Homes.

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Re: OMG what are we doing? and are we still doing it!!!

Long time no post :n: :n: :n: :n:
We are…

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

UpsizeTime glad to hear that you are at the CDC stage but sorry to hear that you are not happy with the progress, building is certainly a roller coaster…

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

So happy to see people progressing with their selections and build. :z: :z:
We are still waiting on progress..... in fact…

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Hi firsthome, understand the 'impatiently waiting' :lol: :lol: , we always seem to get emails etc. late on Friday afternoon so…

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Hi Everyone, sorry I have not posted for a while :n: :n:
Congratulations Mars & UpsizeTime on all your progress

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

We checked out the new display homes at Kellyville this morning ::kiss::
Beautiful homes, beautiful presentation :: ::

11 years11 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Long time no post :n: :n:
Welcome to all the new Kurmondites, really looking forward to following your builds.
We have been…

12 years12 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

It's all happening :: :: :: ::
Posted on the Kurmond…

12 years12 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Congratulations Upsize :: :: great news about signing the tender & plan.
We organised our loan before we signed the tender…

12 years12 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Thanks Mars for the information and pricing.... the prices will come in handy (if and when we get that far).

12 years12 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Lilac absolutely LOVE :: :: :: your home.... The shutters look great, DH is…

12 years12 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

UpsizeTime understand COMPLETELY about going around in circles.
So, so tired of asking the same questions and getting no answer. Or asking questions that get a reply, that makes not…

12 years12 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

UpsizeTime I now know that if I have to go to brick places I should wear my hair in rolls over my ears just like Princess Leia

12 years12 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

UpsizeTime your brick colours, plus the other external colours, look great. Not sure what would be more difficult, deciding on 2 bricks or deciding on a moroka colour

12 years12 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Hi Gogo thanks for the hugs... ::smile:: ::smile::
Fingers crossed it will be affordable and we can take the next step…

12 years12 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Mars we have had a couple of "indications" but still waiting on definite costs. Until we get the exact costing's we can't go forward, not sure when we will get…

12 years12 yearscarak777carak777 posted:
Building with Kurmond Homes

Hi UpsizeTime Congratulations on the registration of your land :: :: :: all systems…

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