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929 Posts
Gold Member

929PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 7 April 2009
Gold Member
13 years13 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Kitchen cookware ..where to buy?

My favourite place online for anything kitchen is
They have everything!

13 years13 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Re: Kitome Harrington MkIII...pg76...pics

Congratulations RF
She is beautiful ::kiss::
Great birth by the sounds of it, good on you :D ::

13 years13 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:

:lol: Helyn
Well we have just gone to a Queen bed from a double after 14 years. A queen seems MASSIVE to me, there is so much…

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Question about cake making

Yes,folding lightly.
Sift flour on top (sift in lightly/ gently) then "cut" through with metal spoon (gently :z: ). Some like to use a clean plastic…

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
$1 Billion Dollar Home .. worlds first

:lol: ^ and +1 to all the above.
Completely over the top and ridiculous. Hopefully they never need to leave. ::smile::

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Bo?al Sandybeach - warning!

Think it's called vanadium staining. Check it out, if this is what it is, surely they would have to fix before handover? Good luck, gotta have nice bricks.

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Home made artwork?? Anyone tried it??

Carmel, they are awesome! I'd buy that sparkly candle one, i love it

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Our Landscaping Story

Top job Eager! Would love to be soaking up some of that sunshine. You may never have to go indoors again- well except to get a cold one

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
viewing new posts

Thank you homeone. ::smile::

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Which Monier roof tile colour goes best with Woodland Grey?

Good o, dune was my other pick- great taste :: it goes beautifully with the w/grey
Oh, and thanks ::smile::

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Building alone - Disappearing into the ether

He is! He would be so proud of you ::

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Which Monier roof tile colour goes best with Woodland Grey?

Woodland Grey gutters and windows with Monier Horizon Barramundi tiles :z: Looks great, will try to find a pic

First 2 in sun (tiles a bit…

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Building alone - Disappearing into the ether

Good luck dreamsRgood! You deserve this to all go sooooo smoothly. Beautiful plan and GORGEOUS views from your block.

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Interior Design Institute course. Worth it????

Not had any similar experience, but I say GO FOR IT!!!
You are obviously planning ahead to be able to work in an area you love, smart. Go on, book the…

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Recall on Rheem Heat Pump HWS

HappyCamper, mine is covered by the recall too. Hadn't heard anything and would have missed out on the fix, so thank you! ::

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
downpipes, square or round

Sorry, didn't mean mandatory to have the round pipes (just because they are round), but necessary (or easier perhaps) because of the tank fittings... The tank requirements being mandatory. Not…

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
downpipes, square or round

I guess you are in NSW? I've only seen the round pvc (?) in NSW because of basix, I think it's mandatory (again ?) I know in VIC they usually…

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Is the handle placement right?

Looks good both ways! Beautiful door ::kiss::

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
strong walls?!

The house is already constructed- gyprock is in and already 3 big, holes.
Yes, puncher would most likely break his hand. If there is damage to be done, he…

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
strong walls?!

Thanks nika, yes- it pays to actually read the whole thing. sorry for stupid question. ::wornout::
Not sure about Hebel blocks Shane,

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
strong walls?!

Thanks nika, I would be worried that an extra 2mm would not be enough? We did put an extra sheet of gyprock (standard) over two large holes, just as a…

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
strong walls?!

Thanks, for giving me direction. I'll find some suppliers for both and try to find out how tough it is.

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
strong walls?!

The internal walls need to be punch proof. If possible.
(Not possible to make the puncher, not punch... yet)

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
strong walls?!

I'm in desperate need of help.
We need to strengthen the walls in one room of our house. Any way to do this? Is there a thicker kind of gyprock,…

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Our Landscaping Story

Yep, looks really great eager! That piece of metal is perfect too, clever thing aren't you! ::

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Our First BLUE EGG!!

Had never heard of BLUE eggs!!! Amazing, it's so pretty- thanks for the lesson Miss kyton and Miss dee ::

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Chat – For all things in decorating

Love the wallpaper dee ::kiss::
Your house looks beautiful, great job!!!

14 years14 yearsbuzzbuzz posted:
Hitting my head against the bricks!

Haha, you dag, you told us your brick preferences in your first post. I just put the pics there so others could see and offer suggestions. It's ok, external colour…

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