Multiroom audio and video wiring
Personally, I'm using Q-Link barrel receivers, run (via coax) back to a central IR block, with emitters leading to each component. There are various other 'IR extenders' which can be…

Home Theatre Speaker System - What is Best?
Hi NcgQ
I've been slowly putting together my home theatre setup so, for what it's worth (and depending on your budget/main use), I've gone for:
Legend Acoustics speakers (5.1 setup to begin…

1 amp, Multi room, multi zone music. Can anyone recommend?
I would strongly recommend the NuVo system www.nuvotechnologies.com ...I have it set up in my place and couldn't be happier. They have a range of systems…

Streaming Video
Hey Jason
Yeh, despite having it all setup the way I want, I still scratch my head half the time and have to remind myself how I've got it all working!…

Streaming Video
Re. Foxtel...yes it could
Just need a CAM built into ur PC along with ur quad-tuner card (with DVB-S obviously)....and the *right* software…

140" fixed projector screen (16:9) recommendations?
haha yeh, as I said - completely understand that it may seem far too big for some and a bit limiting in terms of projector choice etc, but I have…

140" fixed projector screen (16:9) recommendations?
Hi Thudd
Absolutely take your point and agree, which is why I was after some advice/recommendations on screens!
At the same time, I'm working to…

140" fixed projector screen (16:9) recommendations?
Thank for the response gobrien!
Mind if i ask how much you picked it up for and where you bought it?
I guess I'm…

140" fixed projector screen (16:9) recommendations?
Hi everyone
Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a 140" fixed projector screen in 16:9 format?
I'm after something that's good value but also very…

Bed Linen recommendations?
Thanks for the advice guys!
Since I started building this house I've become the most indecisive person in the world and every decision seems far too complicated!!

Cavalier Bremworth Elysium - any thoughts or experiences?
Thanks Ash/xquisite!
That does make me feel a bit better
We have been quoted approximately $340/lm (about $93/m2)...apparently this is the 'discounted price' …

Cavalier Bremworth Elysium - any thoughts or experiences?
haha! thanks everyone
always good when parts of your house make for interesting mental images
had a carpet…

Cavalier Bremworth Elysium - any thoughts or experiences?
Hi all
We're about to finalise our carpet selection and are 99% set on this carpet:
http://www.cavbrem.com.au/tools/search- ... code=3008M
Just wondering if anyone has…

Advice on Multizone video & Audio please
Hi Dream House 82
I've essentially got a very similar set up to what you've outlined.
Without advocating one system or another (at the end of the day, you can achieve…

Multiroom audio and video wiring
Hi amgsl55
Just my two cents worth, without advocating for any specific system, I'd suggest:
- a minimum of 2xCat6 to every display point (i.e. wherever you'll have a TV or projector…

1 amp, Multi room, multi zone music. Can anyone recommend?
Hey mate
No problem at all...the NuVo is definitely a great system and, similar to the Elan system, allows you to control all sources from its touch pads (including PC/server based…

Streaming Video
No patch panel - originally had it set up like that but was an absolute pain and became a complete nightmare with patch leads all over the place, so instead…

Streaming Video
Hey Westy
No problem - and yep, 2 runs of Cat6 from my 'equipment room' to each display specifically for AV (HDMI balun), in addition to 2 runs of Cat6 for…

Streaming Video
Hey guys
Sorry for not replying sooner - but basically, my setup will be MUCH MUCH simpler and, for my needs, work a lot better. Essentially, I am completely separating AV…

Streaming Video
Hey Westy, yep pretty much all the gear I'm getting can be sourced locally, although some things like the 4x4 matrix have been harder to track down!
And yep, you've…

Streaming Video
Just a quick update - wasn't able to get my hands on the Aten 4x4 hdmi
matrix (no stock, no firm leadtime to order), so instead I've ordered the Octava Inc…

140" fixed projector screen (16:9) recommendations?
Thanks for all the feedback and advice guys!
I've put an order in for a 140" 16:9 'Majestic' screen with fidelio velvet and evo3D fabric from OZTS...will hopefully arrive in…

Streaming Video
Hey Westy
Sorry for not replying sooner! Slowly making progress...but still trying to pull together all the bits and pieces I need/want. Basically, my system will be made up along the…

140" fixed projector screen (16:9) recommendations?
Thanks for the the responses guys!
Serentity - yep, I do a fair bit of reading on dtv forum and avs forum; I'd just recalled that…

140" fixed projector screen (16:9) recommendations?
Guess that's a no?! anyone know anything about OZTS, Elegance or Selby Acoustics screens?

Streaming Video
Hi tpin70!
Just wondering which mux, extenders etc you ended up going with? At the moment I'm looking around for a 4x4 HDMI matrix as well as cat6 to HDMI extenders…

Bed Linen recommendations?
Hi guys
Just wondering if anyone possibly has any bed linen/sheet recommendations other than the "usual" Sheridan, etc?
We have recently ordered a new bed…

Cavalier Bremworth Elysium - any thoughts or experiences?
Can I possibly ask if you've gotten a quote for this carpet??
We're so in love with this carpet, but the quote we received was a fair bit more than we…

Cavalier Bremworth Elysium - any thoughts or experiences?
Thanks for all the responses guys!!
To be honest, when we first saw the carpet and managed to get a sample and take it…

How big is too big?!
I like your thinking!
I'll let you know how I go...but I'm definitely thinking as big as possible! haha
I guess I can always knock…