Building with Wisdom Homes
Ha ha, yes we built a Washington 29 five years ago, at Gregory Hills - that building belonged to my son and daughter. We are now building our own…
Building with Wisdom Homes
We area building Washington 29 and 14 April was our contract completion date (33 weeks), but we have about another 8 weeks to go before we are finished.
Building with Wisdom Homes
Would love to know how you have all managed to get your build done in a reasonable time because I am at week 27 of a 33 week build and…
Building Washington 29 from Wisdom Home
Transformation, your plans look OK. Mine are definitely out, now that I look at your plans. I thought I had checked every little detail but just goes to…
Building Washington 29 from Wisdom Home
Your's looks OK. I don't know how to put a paste a copy of mine. I'm new to blogging
Building Washington 29 from Wisdom Home
Warning! If you are building a Washington 29 and put a window in the kitchen, make sure you check the positioning of that window. Ours is out 20…
Watch out for kitchen window positioning
If you are building the Wisdom Washington 29, make sure you check the positioning of the kitchen window. Ours is off centre by 20 cm. I checked the…