Management Consultant
Baseball, Golf, Family & Friends

Rock provision credit
Hi TCloth,
Our rock provision with H3nl3y was around 5K and they removed absolutely ZERO rock from our lot, so we are anticipating a full refund of the rock provision at…

READY.....SET..... GO!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome Phoenix, now the excitement really begins!
Just think, when you get to the stage we are at now, you'll have nearly forgotton about most of your 'selections' and as…

Quick update & Poll Question
Despite my long winded diatribe that has seen (at last count) some 57+ views with NO reply's (thanks a lot guys), we had work on the house again today which…

Any good/bad experiences with Henley?
Thanks for the comments and support guys & gals. Brittany, you are right the power of th Internet is truly amazing, if used in the right way and Phoenix,…

Any good/bad experiences with Henley?
Most of our experiences to date with Henley have been very, very good and now that we are in the building process, things have moved very quickly and our original…

Building On The Boundary Line
Hi Steve,
Actually it's an interesting situation and not your normal one.
We have lived on our property for more than three years prior to demolishing and building the new house. The…

Henley in Melbourne
Hey french_gal,
Sorry to hear it. Sounds like either we are lucky with the admin and site supervisor that we have been given or you are just unlucky, either way…

Building with Henley at The Chase in Berwick
Hi again Phoenix,
To answer your site cost question, I actually had to review what I'd written as Tender signing seems like eon's ago (especially with things moving so quickly now).…

Building with Henley at The Chase in Berwick
Greetings Phoenix & Welcome!
We are building with Henley as well, but in Heidelberg, not Berwick and are a demolition/rebuild site. Our experience with Henley has been terrific thus far,…

Soundproofing the Theatre Room
Check out Quietzone by Boral plasterboard and Insulations solutions..
I'll be enquiring about getting this throughout our home.
Thanks for the link Mark, will certainly check…

How long does a Slab take to 'settle?'
Thanks for all the replies and Firthy_26, thanks for the link to the previous thread. I was pretty certain that someone had probably posted a similar topic previous to…

Media Center's (HTPC's, VMC, MCE etc.)
Hey again,
Rod, I thought only the XBox 360 was able to be a Media Extender for VMC? If not, perhaps it will be worthwhile holding on to the old…

Media Center's (HTPC's, VMC, MCE etc.)
Hi Rod,
Thanks so much for the post it does answer quite a few simple questions I had about the two systems, though my research over the past few days has…

Media Center's (HTPC's, VMC, MCE etc.)
Greetings everyone,
Matt, Rodda and others,
What are your opinions on Media Centers?
Better to buy a pre-built system or build your own?
I've been researching this one and found that…

READY.....SET..... GO!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Phoenix I'd have to agree. H3nley is really raising their game for the pre-Christmas break! Our house this week alone has seen the architraves installed, the doors…

Quick update & Poll Question
Thanks for the talk and the feedback in relation to this topic. We sure hope to be in well before the baby arrives as well and I'm curious to…

Quick update & Poll Question
...i think that was the original question
Yes, actually it was! Thanks for that vanderlay, I think it's a good one to poll on and then add up all the…

Quick update & Poll Question
Hi all,
As many of you know, we are building with H3nl3y in Melbourne and for the most part (aside from some slow patches) all has been progressing very well given…

Hey Phoenix,
Will have to get the 'better half" to post the ultrasound pic. She's been all over that lately, trying to figure out from the 12 week scan what…

Great news on all the recent progress! It is very exciting to get to these stages and once work starts you'll be amazed at how fast you forget about…

New Home Prices across Australia
Hi all,
To throw in my 2 cents...
We are building a 2 story house with H3nl3y called The Riviera. The house is 33.5 squares, not including our slightly larger garage…

Any good/bad experiences with Henley?
Well, don't know how many people have actually read the previous post I made in relation the the less than favorable experience I had yesterday, but if you are back…

Building On The Boundary Line
Hi Phoenix,
Thanks for the detailed gutter information and the words of encouragement, however we really aren't too worried about the neighbour, or the situation with the garage, just kind of…

Building On The Boundary Line
Thanks for your replies guys.
Phoenix, I agree with what you are saying and it sounds logical to me as well.
Home Review, we have done that and have gotten a couple…

Henley in Melbourne
Hey french_gal,
So sorry to hear about your experiences with Henley. Thus far, I would have to say we have taken very different roads with this builder, though I'm…

Building On The Boundary Line
Greetings Builders,
Here's a few questions on this topic to toss our there for discussion, though happy to be redirected if the topic has been discussed before....
1. Are you required…

Soundproofing the Theatre Room
Thanks for the advice and the discussion.
Here's where we stand. Spoke to my Admin. about the situation today and she suggested that if my pre-wiring home theater guy…

Soundproofing the Theatre Room
Hello all,
I wasn't aware (though I feel I should have been) that soundproofing was available for an extra charge through our builder. As we are at frame stage now…

How long does a Slab take to 'settle?'
This is a question for all those that have had their slabs poured and have at least begun the frame stage.
I'm getting excited now as we've had daily…