8 years8 yearsTom2016 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood
Who is building with Beechwood
We went to Beaumont they actually gave us a tile of each for kitchen etc and we went to new image and they gave us a board with colours and…
8 years8 yearstapsk posted:
Who is building with Beechwood
Who is building with Beechwood
We had colour selection and be prepared to pick handles for everything in general, orientation of handles, taps, benchtop etc. and many more. Its not just colours in case thats…
8 years8 yearstapsk posted:
Who is building with Beechwood
Who is building with Beechwood
Very hard. You need to have in your head a rough colour scheme you want.
8 years8 yearszowiec posted:
Who is building with Allworth Homes
Who is building with Allworth Homes
Back half of the roof done today. Fingers crossed the finish tomorrow in time for the shut down.
Hows everyone going?