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12 Posts
12 Posts
Junior Member

12PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 8 April 2015
Junior Member
8 years8 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Signing A Building Contract

Am sitting with builder tonight to go through spec and hopefully sort out contract on our build.
The builder is using a standard HIA contract and then we are sitting tonight…

9 years9 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Need a new builder

So my wife and I are now in need of a new builder. We've got plans drafted with old builder but they've told us they will not allow us to…

9 years9 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Block Retaining

Does the block need to be surveyed before cutting can occur? We are part of a new development and there are pegs out marking the property.....is it really as simple…

9 years9 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Block Retaining

We have some substantial retaining to complete (approx 80m@1m high) and have received a quote from our builder that seems reasonable but I want to know if there are savings…

9 years9 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Fibreglass v Concrete

So we had the first meeting with a concrete pool guy.......still waiting for a quote but he mentioned he works off a lineal metre rate when building the pool. Any…

9 years9 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Retaining Walls - Best approach?

Great comments.....thanks!

9 years9 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Fibreglass v Concrete

So we are just starting to explore the idea of a pool and are reaching the debate of fibreglass v concrete.
We have only discussed pools with one fibreglass mob at…

9 years9 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Retaining Walls - Best approach?

Didn't want to get too into detail and waste peoples time, just hoping that someone could've said 'Hey we had to do 50m of retaining and it cost us…

9 years9 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Retaining Walls - Best approach?

Hi All,
Have purchased a block and am thinking that we're up for some rather extensive retaining costs to level the block. First plans have come back showing 33m of retaining…

10 years10 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Clarendon Ascot 32

Really liked the layout/size and the starting price is $216k, anyone building or built one of these and can give more info/photos??

10 years10 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Looking for a real idea

Thanks to all those replying so far.
I should clarify, I'm not expecting to build a 380sqm home in our 300k budget, that's just an example of the variety of prices…

10 years10 yearsbrikznmortarbrikznmortar posted:
Looking for a real idea

My wife and I are looking to build a new home and are at the early stages of sorting out type, builder etc. We've been doing the usual, looking at…

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