Mortgage and Investment property Consultant
marine tanks

Owner occuppied or investment?
Of course you live in it...
Tax rulings allow you to take in Borders (Not renters) and you dont need to declare their income.
You wont pay Capital gains tax either if…

Need a 100% offset loan
Hello Penny
as a mortgage manager with Adelaide banK, My advice is to basically forget the interest rate and look at the quality of the product you are approaching. Yes you…

Equity Mortgage
banks wont promote products where the customer can cut up the interest payable.... why would they do that? to cost themselves a nice chunk of profit?
Line of credit and offset…

Saving on your mortgage
I agree with Wanelad.
people will return for service. Mostg brokers however are interested in whatever it is to get the loan to settle. Thats it.
To really save on a home…

How long for home loan approval?
I concurr... your 100% loan will stretch the approval time due to lenders mortgage Insurance whichis more difficult to qualify for than the actual loan.
Why didnt your broker or banker…

Bank Valuations on House+Land Properties
I concurr...
The bank is all about posession of the security. Also they will make it so that the loan is in their favor every time. cynical given i am a…

Banking finance and Non-banking finance for Home Loan
forget the interest rate it really doesnt count. what counts is the way that the bank charges the interest. interest is charged daily and placed into a pool so that…