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Joined 12 February 2014
Bronze Member
8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building At Edmondson Park

Hi need some advice regarding fencing
Building a main plus granny in Bardia
And intend to fence it in a manner to give both dwellings independent areas
The builder is suggesting this…

Building At Edmondson Park
8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building At Edmondson Park

looking for the same, so people, please put forward your recommendations, dont hold back, its free...

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Congrats Mrs. Lamas and the very best wishes for your new home, I am sure you will love it and will look back at these 2plus years with fond memories.

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Need some inputs on frames - are knots and holes in the wood accepted; also where the frames connect to the concrete floor - small off cuts are they acceptable,…

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building At Edmondson Park

Need some inputs on frames - are knots and holes in the wood accepted; also where the frames connect to the concrete floor - small off cuts are they acceptable,…

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Need some inputs on frames - are knots and holes in the wood accepted; also where the frames connect to the concrete floor - small off cuts are they acceptable,…

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building At Edmondson Park

Can someone advise how one goes about getting the 5000$ bonus from landcom for building a secondary façade on a corner block.
Is there anytime limit till one you can claim

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

The facade looks great with the contrasting colors and from the side the house looks huge, well done.

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

We went through the same, building in proximity to sewer. The engineering plans had our sewer piers going 1.3 to 2.3 M deep
However when the actual piering got done they…

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building At Edmondson Park

I know Vishal Sardana is one of the admin, we had simply gone to the group and from there put in a request to join, it should work the same…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

I think it's more about negative comments, but going onto say our efforts to link with other clients of theirs, so we can share our experiences. Overall they are trying…

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Another input required -
What is our (or any poster's here) legal standing with regards to comments shared on this site regarding say the builder / build quality etc etc. Mainly…

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Who else is building at Oran Park?

Can someone please advise -
1. Ours is a corner block and we are building a main dwelling with independent Granny flat. The builder is providing a fibre optic package for…

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building At Edmondson Park

Thx bk84, I haven't so far but I will, just out of interest, I hv kind of accepted what the builder has said but if one can find a way…

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building At Edmondson Park

Need some inputs on Easements, we have a 1.5 M wide easement for drain water running the width of the block. We have a 600 mm retaining wall running where…

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building At Edmondson Park

wondering if people here are using the - edmondson park community group - on fb.
Has around 470 members, so appears to have a good following and can be of help…

  ⋅  2
8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

The quote from better view is it an independent quote or thru wisdom

8 years8 yearsbluemviewsbluemviews posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

Keen to hear about the Privacy screen as we need to do the same. I understand it's a CDC requirement, can send you the actual code number if you want.

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Who else is building at Oran Park?
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