Building with Ideal Homes in Baldivis WA
Congrats on handover Aston. How did it go?
I would def try and seal the house before you put your flooring in ect. Because you have to use an oil base…

First home build with Dale Alcock in Aveley: Opinions please
Oh Fancy
Just catching up!! Oh felt so sorry for you. I would have been devo'd as well....however I'm sooo glad Dales has come through and will rectify the situation. Great…

Building with Ideal Homes in Baldivis WA
Aston I've sent you a PM on the paving guy we used. $950 is a huge amount when it doesn't look like you have much at all . If that's…

Building with Ideal Homes in Baldivis WA
Omg Aston.....I can't help but have a laugh...not at you.... hopefully with you. How freakin hard is it to get the paint right.

Building with Ideal Homes in Baldivis WA
Loooove the feature tiles Aston!! Looks great.
Gahh well I'm on my second build....and well still made mistakes! Some of them are basic too, wow…

Building with Ideal Homes in Baldivis WA
Can the tilers read English ...what the?? How dumb are they!! Glad the supervisor is onto for you!!
Good news about the bench top....

Building with Ideal Homes in Baldivis WA
Not good Aston ...especially the roof!! Seriously how hard is it to go get a few more tiles and whack them on...or they could have at least put a tarp…

Landsdale Corimbia Build - Celebration Homes KHO by XMAS!!!
Hang in there Wildcats....it was 4 weeks for us between slab and brickwork starting. Weather is a pain atm, might set you back a few days ...but hopefully it will…

First home build with Dale Alcock in Aveley: Opinions please
Gahhh no I didn't get your pm. I have trouble pm' ing ppl, sometimes it just doesn't go through for me either!! I will…

Our small build (NOR WA) - two years down
Oh man that's so disappointing Fmac...sorry to hear! You have to learn to deal with delays, but the one thing you don't want to be delayed in ,is your PCI...I…

Our castle by the sea - first build in Trinity, Alkimos
That's the beauty of having a PCI locked in now....you can get your trades sorted. I cant see there being any delays,they are running out of weeks to finish your…

Our castle by the sea - first build in Trinity, Alkimos
All looks great beemdoubleu. Pity your tiling wasn't done when you went through, but at least everything will be almost completed by PCI. Great you got a date for that…

Landsdale Corimbia Build - Celebration Homes KHO by XMAS!!!
Hey Wildcats,
That's very interesting about your tiling. We also chose sand drift, and like you when I first saw it laid...I thought it looked different to what we chose. I…

First home build with Dale Alcock in Aveley: Opinions please
Hi FP,
I haven't been on here for aaaaggges...so just catching up on what's been happening with your house.
I have to say, I feel like I've seen those kitchen/bathroom colours…

Building with Ideal Homes in Baldivis WA
What the...9 WEEKS and still no keys....is she building with Doddgy Brothers Direct!!!
Most builders usually have 10 working days after PCI to fix anything…

Building with Ideal Homes in Baldivis WA
Hey Aston,
Just catching up. Glad the paver guy came through for you. House looks fantastic. Yay PCI in week ...you must be so excited!! Be as picky a you want,…

Building with Ideal Homes in Baldivis WA
Is that the external paint colour or the internal??
Well true story Aston, the same thing happened to our house too!! They got our two front render colours mixed up, so…

Our castle by the sea - first build in Trinity, Alkimos
Congrats beemdoubleu...so exciting. I've been off the grid for awhile, so just catching up.
Hope you enjoy your new home.

Landsdale Corimbia Build - Celebration Homes KHO by XMAS!!!
Great news for you Eddie...not so much for poor Wildcats!! It's annoying when they say " a few weeks" what does that mean like you said!? I think the rain…

Our castle by the sea - first build in Trinity, Alkimos
Gahhhh, that's so annoying beemdoubleu....cos you are so close!! Given our slabs went down at the same time, and we have our keys already,…

Our castle by the sea - first build in Trinity, Alkimos
Good luck with your PCI tomorrow ....though wasn't it supposed to be the 16th??
Anyhow....not long now....excite!!

First home build with Dale Alcock in Aveley: Opinions please
Your house is HUGE fancy.....looks great!!
Amen to some fine weather at last!! I'm so over the damn rain...plus I'm moving this week so it…

Our build with Celebration Homes
Wow you haven't had to wait long since your pre start…

Burns Build - Dale Alcock Finished Photos
Posting to follow...your house is going to be amazing

First home build with Dale Alcock in Aveley: Opinions please
Great news fancy. I loved rendered houses...I always thought it was a lot more expensive that that though, damn wish we had of asked now too!! Like

Building with Ideal Homes in Baldivis WA
Hi Aston,
Yeh I would maybe just shot them an email or phone call in regards to the power points. It may be the standard thing to do, but as you…

First home build with Dale Alcock in Aveley: Opinions please
The same choices seem to continue Tbrown...we also are putting in spotted gum...are you my long lost twin?! Lol

Landsdale Corimbia Build - Celebration Homes KHO by XMAS!!!
Congrats on your slab Wildcats...wonderful news From slab to bricks it was 2 weeks for us , then another 2 weeks for brickies, however…

Building with Ideal Homes in Baldivis WA
Looking great Aston, and great they have caught you up a bit after some delays.Bugger about the wall, but they will have to fix it like Momomo said. Think about…