Home Theater Projector Recommendations
Hi There,
Just interested in peoples views on what type of home theater projector I should buy
- Yamaha 7.1 receiver sending HDMI signal to projector
- Used for watching movies and netflix

Austral Bricks 'Macadamia' Anyone Used Them?
Hmm our builder turned us away from macadamia. He had a few problems previously with the bricks looking patchy on the corners and not being a solid colour. He sent…

Jodge's build - revisited.
Jo, I love the bathroom looking real good now... Can I ask what colour the Alfresco tile is, it looks great and the same colour I wanted but couldn't find...…

Jodge's build - revisited.
Crap I hope it wasn't us, we did mention we had done our research on online but didn't mention H1.... and that was a few months ago now... Sorry if…

Building Madison 40 with Eden Brae
Would love to see the redesigned floor plan, care to share???

Looking for different ideas for your new house????
LOL I was thinking the same thing!

Letterbox style
I like the first one and your alternative if it doesn't go on a wall... All very stylish.

Austral Bricks Stimulus Package Sale
Ohh that's pretty cool, not that we are up to paving stage or anything, I wish...

HIA Sydney Home Show 2009 - Free Double Passes
Thanks so much recieved our tickets today... Looking forward to going next weekend!
Thanks again Homeone!

$1,200 for a custom made coffee table :S
Try Golden Wood Furniture
I have purchased my whole homes furniture from there.
They are located in Western Sydney and specilise in any custom made furniture. Pick your wood and stain

HIA Sydney Home Show 2009 - Free Double Passes
Excellent, thank you great offer... pm...

Home Theater Projector Recommendations
Have you come across the ViewSonic 4K PX727HD
Any good?

Protecting laminated marbau timber posts
I have 6 laminated merbau timber posts (150mmx150mm) at the front of my house as part of the facade that were installed 2 years ago as part of the build…

Jodge's build - revisited.
Thanks Jo, your always so happy to help! We have a slab and plumbing etc, but no frame yet. It was meant to be delivered on Wednesday but there is…

not another Wisdom Impression 38MkII -- our aquarium :P
Cielly, can I please ask what type of morter you have used with your bricks and if it's raked, ironed or flush??? Sorry to be a pain we are using…

Jodge's build - revisited.
Hi Jo,
Looks like you are making progress in leaps and bounds. Looking at your posts shows the very very quick progress from your builder.
We are stepping along slowly but…

Letterbox help
They also sell them on ebay without the frames too... Nicely priced too.

$1,200 for a custom made coffee table :S
Seems very excessive. I got mine made there and it was $550 tazzy oak, stained and delivered. Might be worth going down there and having a chat to…

$1,200 for a custom made coffee table :S
Wow, hmm from memory our coffee table was made from Tassie oak and was only $400.00... Is that including freight???

Australian chainsaws
Buy your replacement chains off ebay. There are a few sellers that have them at ver reasonable prices

Building at Mount Annan... New to the forum
Thanks, TheMax we are already addicted it's very helpful as we are both into researching before we jump into anything! Lou

Building at Mount Annan... New to the forum
Hi There
My husband (Simon) and I have been browsing this forum for the last few months and thought it was about time we joined. We recently purchased land in Garden…