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Joined 26 January 2014
Junior Member
8 years8 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Required compost for new lawn.

I work for a landscaper and we rarely bring in the additional oil to improve the wonderful sand here in WA but what you are doing should yield great results.…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Been a while as flat out moving out of rental, work etc but house is still moving along.. Just reviewed it has been around 3x months now since slab down…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Firstly hi to all and what a site...
As the subject reads we are in the process of building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes in Ashby Rise, Ashby. Slightly modified…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Oh and tapatalk giving me the what nots and not working so just updating the old way for now..

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Builder has been great so far, brickies have been very clean on site and even cleared the whole place and move the bricks to the back of the house before…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Well update... have moved the manhole, thank you butterbing and finally sand has been delivered onsite, storage shed and workman loo.. Hoping bricks get delivered tomorrow..

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Thank you for the tips... re the man hole I have mixed opinions having it in the garage but then again I could be swayed but also like you wont…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Awesome will keep that in mind and see if we want to change anything else and do in one hit but pretty sure its just those cavity doors. Oddly enough…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Yes sooooo much easier than the other method... did you do many changes after slab down and was it pricey to do changes??

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Finally house plans.. will get colours up soon but don't get too excited as we went extremely neutral in comparison to most.. can count all colour choices for whole house…

Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes
11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

This is something we are aspiring to have our yard look like but Perth being all hot we will see what my landscaping buddy recommends.. yes the pool is what…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Electrical not over complicated but father in law is Sparky and bro in law and myself both done pre apprentice courses so will be updated once in with recessed down…

Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes
11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Just attempting this tapatalk app... this is the kids bathroom come wet room. Idea came from hotel in Cambodia where the bath is in the shower area. This way if…

Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes
11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Thanks and saw the post in your build. Still not sure if glass or just the solid doors as we don't have the door on the other side so won't…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Well final bits of plumbing cut and plugged and plumbing pipes run through block. They have moved the window frames and door frames around the slab too now..
We are…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
and our blind saga is finally resolved!!!

Really hope those tiles match up... Had similar colour on our first home but went colourbond this time round. Oh and if no rain then just connect a hose up…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Awesome and hi wrethm01... We are the last ones building on the larger blocks on Fomiatti, can't miss it.. hahaha :)
Went for a walk on the…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Thanks and will also give that photo instruction a go... Very happy now things are on the move. Feels like we have been waiting forever...

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Slab down today...
7am - http://s38.photobucket.com/user/beetsare/media/House%20Build/Perth-20140130-00224_zpsb403a259.jpg.html?sort=3&o=3
9am progress - http://s38.photobucket.com/user/beetsare/media/House%20Build/IMG_0109_zps571472ff.jpg.html?filters=139091924&filters=1&sort=1&o=0
7pm - http://s38.photobucket.com/user/beetsare/media/House%20Build/Perth-20140130-00232_zps82fae2e4.jpg.html?sort=3&o=1

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Some pics and update;
Levelled block around mid December - http://s38.photobucket.com/user/beetsare/media/House%20Build/IMG-20131225-00161_zpsad55d2ee.jpg.html
Footings and plumbing started this morning - http://s38.photobucket.com/user/beetsare/media/House%20Build/IMG-20140129-00216_zps87be38fa.jpg.html
Progress at the end of today - http://s38.photobucket.com/user/beetsare/media/House%20Build/IMG-20140129-00217_zps03240c01.jpg.html and http://s38.photobucket.com/user/beetsare/media/House%20Build/IMG-20140129-00220_zps87a4f595.jpg.html
Hopefully slab down tomorrow…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Building with Greater Concept / Premiere Homes

Only a few changes, not as drastic as yours from what I have seen.. :).. Will be posting pics up and floor plan shortly..

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
Polished concrete: Order of events to avoid damage

Friend of mine has done this once already and also going through it again.. We too wanted to get it but found out our slab isn't thick enough or have…

11 years11 yearsbeetsarebeetsare posted:
and our blind saga is finally resolved!!!

Just wanted to say Hi and thanks for the great write up. Our build is about to commence with Greater Concept/Premiere Homes. Really hope your roof gets sorted soon!

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