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Joined 26 October 2015
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8 years8 yearscharlibearcharlibear posted:
Avoca 26 | Building with Coral Homes | Ormeau Ridge

Your landscaping looks awesome
Oh my goodness, those puppies have me squealing haha just divine, have extra puppies for me
GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277

  ⋅  2
8 years8 yearsRyalls_first_buildRyalls_first_build posted:
Ryalls - Coral Homes Noosa 26 - Leaking ensuite??

Can you believe it.. went away for the long weekend and come home to half the doors in the house swollen annnnnnnnnd the A/C wont turn on!!!!!
OMG i cant…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsRegVicRegVic posted:
RegVic-Hotondo Homes custome plan - Home improvements

Thanks Becs, SnS, Alex

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearscharlibearcharlibear posted:
Charlibear's Build -Finally in!

Time to board for Vanuatu, hopefully we come home to some pipes out of the ground and possibly even for work for our slab
GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277

  ⋅  6
8 years8 yearsHayleyyyyHayleyyyy posted:
Avoca 26 | Building with Coral Homes | Ormeau Ridge

Making our back fence 1.8m again after having to fill the yard so much! And matching it to our side fencing

The start of our top garden bed
The adventures…

  ⋅  4
8 years8 yearsRegVicRegVic posted:
RegVic-Hotondo Homes custome plan - Home improvements

Finally I have an update (first update after Christmas break) :)

  ⋅  5
8 years8 yearsvonsta76vonsta76 posted:
Coral Homes Avoca 25 in Gainsborough Greens

Haha it's so hard , puppies are the cutest let's hope she has girls so you get her sooner
im hoping if she has girls that she has at…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsRegVicRegVic posted:
RegVic-Hotondo Homes custome plan - Home improvements

I got no clue to be honest... tradies are there and something is happening...
kitchen fitout
My guess is early March :)

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearslmm70lmm70 posted:
Building with coral homes - Manhattan 23

exciting week for you! All the work outside is looking great! Spoke to your neighbour across the road over Christmas as they have done the fence directly on top of…

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8 years8 yearscharlibearcharlibear posted:
Charlibear's Build -Finally in!

To add to my excitement we received an email from Micah
Hi Guys
Sorry for the late report but this is what’s is happening on site

Pre slab work commencing Friday,…

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8 years8 yearsRyalls_first_buildRyalls_first_build posted:
Ryalls - Coral Homes Noosa 26 - Leaking ensuite??

Somehow I keep unsubscribing to my own thread! So ill reply shortly lol
Got the privacy screens put up over the weekend.. We love them, silly me forgot to paint the…

Ryalls - Coral Homes Noosa 26 - Leaking ensuite??
  ⋅  3
8 years8 yearsTribe7Tribe7 posted:
Housing the Tribe, Gold Coast

Thanks my lovely pal, I'm really excited for the family that have brought our house. I'm not going far away and can't wait to see your new house being built.…

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  ⋅  2
8 years8 yearsRegVicRegVic posted:
RegVic-Hotondo Homes custome plan - Home improvements

Thanks Von, SnS, Marshall, Charli, Kylz
Kitchen fitout :) - 20/01/17

  ⋅  2
8 years8 yearscharlibearcharlibear posted:
Building with coral homes - Manhattan 23

Where is the puppy spam?? You've left us high and dry girlfriend!!!
GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277

  ⋅  2
8 years8 yearscharlibearcharlibear posted:
Avoca 26 | Building with Coral Homes | Ormeau Ridge

Just stunning!!! Oh my gawd!!! Your puppy Luna is to die for!!!
GJ Gardner Modified Coolum 277

  ⋅  2
8 years8 yearscharlibearcharlibear posted:
Charlibear's Build -Finally in!

Reg I can't tell if you're being a smartass or not lol but we are the one with the trucks and the brown dirt
Woohoo so excited!! What a way…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsRyalls_first_buildRyalls_first_build posted:
Ryalls - Coral Homes Noosa 26 - Leaking ensuite??

Hi Ryalls_first_build,
Can I asked what did the cabinets cost you for that?
Hey! Sorry for the late reply!!
They cost about $950 per side... Wayyyy cheaper than anywhere else we received quotes…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsvonsta76vonsta76 posted:
Coral Homes Avoca 25 in Gainsborough Greens

I want a girl so if lexie's litter is all boys, i have to wait for next round. Mine will be a german shepherd, and Luna in the pic is…

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