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Hi - had totally forgotten about this forum and thread until tonight. Love your build, colour choices and design. Sorta makes me want to build again when I look back through. The Harcrest was a new design when we built it a few years ago and Ive noticed how flexible the floorplan is now to back then. I like your double doors to the lounge and of course the tiled shower seat which I ill take credit for since Simonds had absolutely no idea what i was trying to get them to quote on when I asked the the same in our ensuite! I had to show pictures from Pintrest etc. They must have liked it so much they built one into the new showhome at Mt Barker. I wish though I had planned it for under the shower and not the opposite wall as you have done. Enjoy your home - we have slowly settled into it over the last two years -its def a lovely design and family home :-)
posted by JM1911A1