Suspicious of previous owner's DIY jobs..
should've asked for electricity certificate of safety and plumbing plans.
just missed out on a closing down sale of a changelier shop in Ballarat
Realistic Budget?
Maybe possible some landscaping places cost a fortune others are reasonable so shop around.
Renovators delight.
I would be very surprised if it ended up having any origonal wood left in the building if it was restored, which brings up the point of whats the point…
Govt to build national broadband network
I suppose it depends on what it is you are referring to as per residential customers they are No. 1
Govt to build national broadband network
It wont improve anymore from where it is now, theres no further technology available to the coppernetwork without a major investment (except vdsl2 but that not a big increase in…
Govt to build national broadband network
What they are the most complained about company. All opticom estates will be 100mbps now as well. There Telstra prices aren't great anywhere except mobile where there is competition.
Don't forget…
Govt to build national broadband network
Correct but this isn't about mobile networks where there is competiton it's about fixed line networks where there is no competition on any meaningfull scale.
It's a case of people not…
Govt to build national broadband network
Where? you mean velocity!!! and you bloody well pay through the nose for it too and it is only in new estates where it is cheaper to put fibre in…
Govt to build national broadband network
Look I don't blame them at all, they are a private company and want to make money and as much as they possibly can (like every other business). But a…
Govt to build national broadband network
Thought I would explain the differnce between FTTN and FTTH
Current situation is that we have exchanges which supply ADSL through copper (local loop) to the household the signal (speed) degrades…
Govt to build national broadband network
Unfortunately not really many other alternatives but to do so, at least they have a undertaking of building the network then selling it (ie Telstra mark 2)
The key differences here…
Govt to build national broadband network
I listened to it, they talk about is the FTTN proposals not the current FTTH project again different issues (they talk a lot about using the copper loop which isn't…
Govt to build national broadband network
You are misinformed mate.....
Telstra assets = 32 billion
Telstra debt = 13 billion
They couldn't afford, no-one can except for the gov. Part of the anouncement was the max single shareholder would…
Govt to build national broadband network
Thats last weeks, so covers nothing about today as they are talking about FTTN and the problems and benefits of that not FTTH theres a fair bit of difference between…
Govt to build national broadband network
Where's the link on that page? It's only got last weeks
Govt to build national broadband network
Negotiate what? They don't build networks
Govt to build national broadband network
Your workplace will be buzzing today over this announcement....
Govt to build national broadband network
To early to do anything, just go ahead as would have done yesterday.
Govt to build national broadband network
Great news for everyone,
If this was to start tommorrow we are still 3 to 4 years beind the rest of the world but the proposed FTTN that was on…
Melbourne Water 1-in-100 year flood Special Building Overlay
Love those 1/100 flood overlays, but they are there for a reason nearly brought a house with one of those overlays (was built before them thou) that needed to be…
Rental Increases?
It depends which state you live in...
In Vic I believe it used to be max increase of inflation rate + 2% + proportional amount (where proportional amount is increase in…
Cost to fence for color bond 44m
This is an excellent price take it.
I have got three quotes for a fence replacement at work for 37 metres and the least of the three was 4 grand. Considering…
Duty of Care
well they would definantly be up on charges if there was a fire at one of these places they would be found out quickly. With the prospect of the people…
Help me and my research project! A 5 min survey..
Thias is a Australian forum mate not a british one
Smelly Bathroom!!
One way to stop the toilet smelling like a sewage plant is when you need to do No 2's is go next door and use the neighbours toilet.
Government Initiatives
It may not go through at all, the stimulous package is not guarenteed to go ahead at all.