9 years9 yearsPixiGT posted:
Building at Willowdale
Building at Willowdale
Hey there eddylamy,
As long as you meet the requirements for open space for rain soak & the construction measures you take meet relevant Standards/BCA, then I can't see why you…
9 years9 yearsAndy2015 posted:
Building at Willowdale
Building at Willowdale
It's Denham court Suburb and not Willowdale. Willowdale is just the estate name. We are currently in stage 9B on Commissioners Drive, so I am guessing not too far away…
9 years9 yearskrishhd posted:
Building at Willowdale
Building at Willowdale
It's Denham court Suburb and not Willowdale. Willowdale is just the estate name. We are currently in stage 9B on Commissioners Drive, so I am guessing not too far away