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220 Posts
Bronze Member



inner west
Joined 13 November 2013
Bronze Member
9 years9 yearsmarina12marina12 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Wkvillina your house is looking great,
Sandra2016 -I hope you see progress very soon. And a speedy recovery to your mum. I rang head office regarding my 90 day list…

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9 years9 yearsredwynneredwynne posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Just a quick driveby to say Happy Easter everyone and I hope you're all enjoying your long weekend. We're finally in the house and it feels like a holiday home…

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9 years9 yearsGillyMGillyM posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

oh thunder, so sorry to hear that you never got that happy-after-build-feeling..... you had a difficult journey and apparently the ill-feelings of the build transferred to the house after the…

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9 years9 yearsthunderthunder posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Well the M journey is finally at a close for us, we have just agreed to sell our house. After a LONG journey to build and many lows, we ended…

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9 years9 yearsS-VES-VE posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

10 months and we have finally started :)

Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0
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9 years9 yearsBuildersbobBuildersbob posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Yes BuildersbUb #3 arrived on 9th Feb, thanks for asking. A pink one to torment her two older brothers, our spare bedroom has gone already!!

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9 years9 yearsMMeadowsMMeadows posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

So we have spent our first night at my parents house. Kids are happy/excited, husband is content so long as he gets to be head chef, im exhausted. Dogs will…

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9 years9 yearsteresa.hshteresa.hsh posted:
Build with Redink @ SoR

Roof roof roof, oi oi oi !

With this sort of pace, wonder if we should expect a PCI next month. :th: :lol:

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9 years9 yearsmichelle1980michelle1980 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Hey everyone, Long time away on holidays and so much to catch up on.
I must say after the initial tender period we have had a good experience so…

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9 years9 yearsGibsonGibson posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Congrats & commiserations to all on your progress!!
Here's our 'progress'.
Our demolition is some time next week, not sure when the demo company will do the job, they only say 'we…

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9 years9 yearsFisher75Fisher75 posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

We paid 15K extra (it was 17K initially, but negotiated it down a bit). Plus some unexpected costs discovered when the build started of 5.5K (initially was 18K, but…

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9 years9 yearsPAB_34PAB_34 posted:
Sliding corner door?

Corner retractable screens (with bi-folds but will work with sliders)
http://brio.com.au/blog/products/screen ... ct-screen/
They are sold via Stegbar
Good luck!

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9 years9 yearsbleakybleaky posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

A nice surprise for us this morning, painters back on site. Woohoo!

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9 years9 yearsredwynneredwynne posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Flooring upstairs before polish

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9 years9 yearsBuildersbobBuildersbob posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Again our bank never asked for OC they just did a final valuation. Seems like every bank and council is different.
Marina no I never said we were living here…

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9 years9 yearsbleakybleaky posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Edmondss- love the splashback!
Brooke- congrats on the keys
Our prodigal tilers have returned. It's a Christmas miracle!

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9 years9 yearsredwynneredwynne posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Hope you all had a good weekend. Ours was soooo busy, no down time. Can’t believe how close Christmas is and how fast this past year has gone.

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9 years9 yearsSheilzySheilzy posted:
Metricon Hudson KDR in Ryde - Landscaping

Landscaping has been more stressful than the entire house build. After the delayed start, we have had to endure further delays due in part to bad weather but mostly due…

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9 years9 yearsStructuralBIMGuyStructuralBIMGuy posted:
Crack in new New Driveway. Is it normal?

Concreter said it is normal and cement expanded and he will fix it when he seals the concrete.
The concretor is a FOOL... and it cant be fixed
That is a Shrinkage…

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9 years9 yearsVillinaelitersVillinaeliters posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

My first true building miracle ... 4.38pm missed call, listened to voicemail, guy from accent re my flooring job on monday .... Here we go i think (last minute cancellation…

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