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195 Posts
Bronze Member



Joined 28 August 2018
Bronze Member
1 year1 yearSaveH2OSaveH2O posted:
Queries on Rainwater Harvesting

There is a whole lot more to know than just the answers you seek but they are a good start.
It is important to consider several factors:
The property's available footprint and…

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1 year1 yearSplashersSplashers posted:
Builder has set mediation with Master Builders GC. Any tips

Never personally been through the process but they will look at factual evidence not just conversations. You will need to have all emails, txt messages, dates, certain milestones (earthworks, slab…

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1 year1 yearchippychippy posted:

You can use a standard biscuit, because they are thinner than dominos it's probably better suited to your arch's.
Another method I saw the other day is to cutl the three…

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2 years2 yearsSaveH2OSaveH2O posted:
Dry Well in the backyard

The lower terracotta pipe indicates that it is a DIY silt pit with a blocked bottom pipe and a top inflow pipe that is no longer connected for whatever reason.

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2 years2 yearsPulsePulse posted:
PVC pipe through footing

bridge the pipe with a bigger footing, dig down to undisturbed soil either side, wrap the pipe in 2 layers of 10mm adhesive backed foam abelflex expansion “sticky back”, then…

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3 years3 yearsAlthomAlthom posted:
Not sure whether to continue with independent inspections

"add another 2-3 weeks to each stage"?
So your builder is saying they are going to be so far out of compliance at each stage that they'll need 2-3 weeks for…

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3 years3 yearskirashogunkirashogun posted:
Laminated tinted windows vs 3M film

I have double glazed laminated 3mm+3mm on one side and regular 4mm hardened on the other. The main advantage is UV protection for internal furniture/flooring and since it's baked in…

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3 years3 yearsBradK86BradK86 posted:
Styrofoam showing through foundation slab, how bad is this?

Builder reckons its "just a bit of boxing", I'm not sure what that means though

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6 years6 yearsAKBAKB posted:
Kitchen cupboards that look like drawers?

The only handles in the kitchen (apart from oven handles)

Kitchen cupboards that look like drawers?
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