Just Begun!!!!
Hey GriffBNE,
I didnt realise how hard the decision would be. We're going two storey so we cant decide between the Ridge or the Sherwood. Any suggestions?
Just Begun!!!!
Hey Slugger, How's that Adenbrook home going? We're in Brisbane and deciding whether to go with them or Plantation or AV Jennings.. I've heard good things about…
Building a New House
We are tossing up which builder to go with at the moment, we narrowed it down to Adenbrook, AV Jennings or Plantation. Can anyone give us their experience with…
Building a New House
Thanks, glad to be here. What a great idea. Already I've learnt more this morning than the display home reps would every let on!
Building a New House
Hello everyone, I'm a new user. Your forum on building new houses has been very educational, especially BMP and Ricci as we want to build with Adenbrook in…