Derby Ducted Air Conditiong Good/Bad?
Had one of these in a rental we had while building. It was rubbish. One of those 'day/night' (either bedrooms or living, never both) systems and it was also pretty…

Actron pricing suggests they use gold plated accessories?
The cost of the Actron 'premium' is usually no more than about 10% above Daikin. I've even heard of people getting Actron cheaper than Daikin, although perhaps not the Ultima.…

Domain 300 Plus by Perry Homes
I guess it's academic for you now because the Waterwise rebate scheme is closed and you can't apply, but you got me curious so I went back to the stuff…

Domain 300 Plus by Perry Homes
Perry Homes are not great on acreage builds, and a little over the top on site costs IME. We built a Perry Homes (about the same size as yours) last…

DUCTED A/C.....ACTON or DAIKIN or.....
Not quite sure if I understand exactly what you mean here but Actron do claim their system responds 'faster.' Personally, I doubt if a family would really notice much, if…

DUCTED A/C.....ACTON or DAIKIN or.....
That's a very good point. We use ours predominantly for cooling and I had never considered that you are going to get a higher level of energy efficiency when heating.…

built in book shelves and desks
I've faced similar issues and never found an economic (cheap) solution.
A metre of shelving will hold an average of 25 hard cover books of uniform size (fiction, biography etc.) so…

ActronAir - Fresh Air Option?
The Actron ESP Ultima has a fresh air function. AFAIK it comes standard, don't recall paying any extra for it. It works well too. And, you're right. Actron's ESP Ultima…

Which Air Con
Actron ESP Ultima gets my vote too. We've had both Daikin and Panasonic systems in the past and our current Actron leaves them both for dead. Most versatile and efficient…

Granite Benchtops
Sorry, I didn't express that very clearly. I used "less than $2k" only as a comparison, based on the $130/sq metre that was being discussed. Maybe it is possible to…

Granite Benchtops
Could you expand on how you achieve that pricing? I'm having great difficulty in imagining anybody getting granite benchtops at what equates to about $80 per lineal metre. The freight…

Builders price for laying porcelain tiles...
It seems high. For laying only a figure of $35-$40 per sq metre would be average. If they're also supplying the tiles then $80 sq m is about right.

Profit margin of builders
Depends how you look at it. Assume that the builder is a straight project builder, i.e., not a developer so there's no land sales to complicate the issue. Further assume…

Help - what Ducted A/C system
+1 for Actron, especially if you can afford the Ultima ESP. Brilliant system. Had an 18Kw Ultima for 3 years and it's been totally flawless. But they are more expensive…

Actron ESP Ultima and Ducting, Zoning Questions!!
All those calculations lost me! But we have an Ultima 18kW that uses both size vents/ducting and yes, I can tell you that every bedroom is quiet enough to sleep…

Actron Ultima 23kw in WA
Well, you are comparing ESP Plus with Ultima, which is more expensive, and the $21k figure here is for a 23kW system. $15-$16k for an 18-19kW Ultima is about standard.…

Domain 300 Plus by Perry Homes
Your Taylex system may have been a more expensive model than the one we chose? We used the Taylex Clearwater 90, but upgraded it for surface spray. The local Taylex…

DUCTED A/C.....ACTON or DAIKIN or.....
Ah well, brochures... They all make claims that probably only a refrigeration engineer could properly evaluate. And I see on the website that Daikin have a number of different types…

DUCTED A/C.....ACTON or DAIKIN or.....
If I understand what you are saying then that's a major step forward in flexibility for Daikin. We've got our Actron so it makes no diff to us but for…

DUCTED A/C.....ACTON or DAIKIN or.....
Depends a lot on the design of your home and how they need to lay out ducting etc. It might need the 23Kw. Better to have a bit of extra…

DUCTED A/C.....ACTON or DAIKIN or.....
Is there a typo there? Do you mean 'not' as efficient as "if you were to just have single unit being operated solely for that room"?
Agreed. We keep all the…

DUCTED A/C.....ACTON or DAIKIN or.....
This is something we've wrestled with for a year. With all this 'zone flexibility' we have, is it actually better (more efficient) to have just one or two zones on,…

DUCTED A/C.....ACTON or DAIKIN or.....
There are a number of threads on this subject. You might want to do a search. However, I may be one of the few people here who has actually had…

ActronAir - Fresh Air Option?
I might be misunderstanding exactly what a 'fresh air' function is but the ESP Ultima does have a 'fan only circulation mode.' And it is standard as far as I…

Actron Air - differences between ESP, ESP Plus & ESP Ultima?
All three models use the same digital scroll inverter technology. The major difference between the 'vanilla' ESP and the two higher end systems are that the Plus & Ultima utilise…

Granite Benchtops
I didn't say it couldn't be calculated per square metre, I said it is not bought by the end user per square metre. As a stone mason you may buy…

Help with Price for Ducted System
Yes, very. And the Actron ESP Ultima is probably the most versatile/efficient A/C available. Made in Australia too, something which should be a factor in all of our buying decisions…

Profit margin of builders
Guys, a 25% markup does not represent a 25% gross margin (gross profit).
A 25% markup on cost would only give a business a 20% gross margin. To make a 25%…

Profit margin of builders
Erm, not quite. In the example Matt used the $500k was nett profit in the builder's hand, after all expenses other than interest & tax. The basic equation is pretty…

Ducted Air Conditioning - any suggestions?
Good choice. Rolls Royce of A/C IMHO. Absolutely delighted with ours.
Quiet as a mouse mate. The Daikin guy is talking through his head.
And the 'single zone' system works a treat.…