New Home Build - Dale Alcock
We didn't have an inspector view the property - really wish that we had. It's our first home and I had faith in DAH to have checked up on these…
New Home Build - Dale Alcock
Yeah, it's not bricked in - it's surrounded by cabinets. The cabinet maker is coming next Wednesday to try and sort it out. We'll see what happens I guess...
New Home Build - Dale Alcock
Wow, thanks for the tip Althom, I will make sure to keep a close eye on the fix. I did notice that there were a few finishes were not really…
New Home Build - Dale Alcock
Yeah true. To be fair, they have been relatively responsive with fixing stuff so far. That said they haven't actually fixed the issues yet, but they have said that they…
New Home Build - Dale Alcock
Nope, that's my issue. The plans were fine... They are smaller than the plans. Oh also, I should mention that we didn't have a site meeting with the supervisor between…
New Home Build - Dale Alcock
We did turn the shower on.. It is leaking because the screen has been installed too far back. Therefore, when you do more than just run the shower (I.e., actually…
New Home Build - Dale Alcock
We did notice the doors, water heater, and skirting boards. Were told to clean the doors ourselves and that the hot water heater was as it should be. They are…
New Home Build - Dale Alcock
Just a warning to anyone planning to build with Dale Alcock.. They have lovely plans, but their reputation as a premium builder is absolutely not warranted! We have moved into…