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Pitt Town, Sydney
Joined 1 March 2013
Silver Member



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11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Thanks Michelle he seems to do most of them in the area. Yours is so much nicer than my neighbours, I guess because yours is more detailed. I'm…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Hi folks,
It has been a while since I posted and I have been very frustrated with the slow progress of our build. Finally our roof was done last Saturday.…

Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0
11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Hi Ladies,
Yes we are very excited to have our bricks clean and I am so happy with our choice. It was worth the extra $$$ and all the agonising we…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Welcome Lyn, we hope you benefit from our experiences, and we look forward to meeting another neighbour.
FYI - no brickies today because apparently the ground might be too boggy!!!…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Hi all,
Bec I reiterate what Renae said about progress payments. Ours had to be rejigged also for a similar reason.
Renae they have started on the bricks. They did half…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Yay Michelle you're the best. Another trip to Pitt Town this evening it seem to check it out
I think our SS said they are only doing one course…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

That's right Michelle, we began before our neighbors. Bricks supposed to be delivered today or tomorrow. Give me a shout out if you see them to help my blood pressure,…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Made a quick visit to Pitt Town today and I see Renae's block has been scraped and a fence erected around the block! Congratulations ::

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Thanks Renae, I will be tempted to go there every day now to see the progress.
Bec, I know of two others who bought in the Oaks release. …

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Sandy, Sandy, Sandy you read me like a book! Went to the block this afternoon and guess what? No frame! Argh. We sent a text to Tony our SS who…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Lock up… congratulations!
I am frustrated that the three eden brae homes surrounding ours have already had their frames delivered but not us. One of them was slabbed after ours…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Our beautiful concrete....

Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?
11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Hello everyone,
I trust you all had a nice Chrissy and New Year.
There has been so much going on in Vermont lately, houses springing up every where. We…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Exposed Aggregate - Hills/Hawkesbury District

Hi all,
I am sure this question has been posed before, but can anyone recommend a concreter to lay a new driveway in exposed aggregate/pebblecrete in the new Vermont Estate at…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Hi all and welcome to the newbies,
Michelle, I have to say how stunning your pool is looking…. bet you can't wait until Summer to do some swimming and dare I…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

We got a lovely surprise last Sunday to find our roof finished. It must have been done on Saturday which is very pleasing. Here is an updated pic…


Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?
11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

I'm pretty sure we paid for an aerial at one of our many appointments too.

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

I am in the habit of driving past every morning now, as I have to drop my daughter at Arndell by 8:30am. Fingers crossed I see some action.
If so,…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Our New Home Adventure with Masterton

Brad, I completely feel for you. Our house is going waaaay to slowly for my liking too. We had problems with the frame. Apparently the roof trusses…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Masterton Homes - The next thread 4.0

Warning! I am about to vent.....
I am so unhappy and disappointed in our site supervisor. Isn't it part of his job to keep us informed with what's going on? He…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Congratulations Renae I saw your slab yesterday. It's a good feeling isn't it, seeing progress.
We have one drama after another. We got the bricks last Friday but when we went…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Oh Mkchelle it's great to have you back. You save me from sitting here wondering if they are doing anything. Glad to see they seem to be on the ball…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Hi Michelle
Your home is looking awesome. I have been admiring the facade for some time now. It's very attractive and impressive.
Sandy we look at your neighbours lawns and…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Yay, bricks :z: :z: :z: Thanks Michelle.
Now we just need to plead with Mother Nature…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Hi all, especially Michelle! Lovely to hear from you, but sorry to hear of your Telstra issues. I wonder if Ruth around in Pastoral has the same problem?…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Congratulations Lauren, one step closer. Developer won't take long, unless you get knocked back like we did. But that was rectified in days and we only got knocked back because…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Hi all and welcome Bec. I don't think we've 'met' you before.
Jorge I understand your frustration with the bricks. We finally got our frame today and…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Our New Home Adventure with Masterton

Hi all,
Happy New Year. It's been a while since I have been on the forum because there was really nothing to report. However....
Framework is supposed to be delivered Monday 3rd.…

Our New Home Adventure with Masterton
11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Hi all,
All good so far with Arndell Renae. Day 2 and she is loving it, so no complaints there. Except perhaps from me having to drive there and…

11 years11 yearsallymanallyman posted:
Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?

Hi all,
Just been scraped and fenced today. Here is the pic for those who may not have seen it :z: :z:

Anyone building in the Vermont Estate at Pitt Town?
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