3PostsMost Active Topics
1 year1 year
alegna posted:
Extension pole - extra wide 380mm for rental property

Extension pole - extra wide 380mm for rental property
Hi there. Our rental apartment has no window covering in the living room. I don't think we can expect the landlord to put up curtains or blinds. I'm happy to…
2 years2 years
alegna posted:
Masterton - Westwood

Masterton - Westwood
We’ve just accepted the tender to build a Westwood. Anyone else just starting the process?
2 years2 years
alegna posted:
Renting knock-down rebuild pre council/demolition

Renting knock-down rebuild pre council/demolition
We've had the offer of a short term tenant whilst waiting for CDC/DA home approval and demolition for our knock down rebuild. It would achieve a pretty low rent as…
Joined homeone
8 February 2023