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Joined 5 May 2010
Gold Member



SAHM to 2 gorgeous boys

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Show me your kitchen...
3142 Posts
Who is building with Beechwood
15742 Posts
Splitting Foxtel between rooms
10 Posts
Help with wall mounted TV's
16 Posts
14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Help with decking or slab/tiling our back outdoor area

We are on a property and recently moved in - This is an old photo but i wanted some advice. We have a tiled alfresco area, and wanting to extend…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

OMG carley, I think its your council. what a headache its turned out to be.....
dont send them up this way, we still have exposed drains.....we did our own drainage and…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Splitting Foxtel between rooms

Perfect, thanks heaps

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

OMG Jack - we were told we had to pay for an interim but the OC was included in the price, our finance company was ok to settle without a…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Very nice infocus
We went with Iron Ore Formica doors,
Osprey ceasarstone benches
Red Box splashback.
and Frosted Ice Taubmans walls
we are so happy with the look we have created.

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

Here is our splashback
It was finally installed today and the rangehood is installed tomorrow

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

There is way more to do inside, put photos/pictures up, buy cushions, lamps...etc

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

Here are some pics
I dont have any off the outside, as its raining and its a mess, we have exposed trenches as we only got the drains inspected yesty.
spare room

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

just a small update from us, the electrician finished today and just love our lights ::kissed::
I will take pics to show you all.
Tomorrow the…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Cheap curtain/blind alternatives please - Help

we are in the Hunter Valley, NSW
im going to go down there tonight and check them out

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Cheap curtain/blind alternatives please - Help

We are moving in next week, and dont have blinds, we wont get anything for quite sometime - (a few months at the earliest) so i need the cheapest alternative.

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

Sarbear - im in aberg....at the moment, until next week.
we got an electrician to to it. (hubbys mate)
from costas we got them to quote us
40 downlights
8 oyster lights
5 fans (we…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

i did post a photo not long ago but our rangehood wasnt up.
The kitchen is now complete

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

Oh Moon, i dont think as much as you could try would you ever be prepared, its so upsetting, once your in, its a distant memory.
We are just loving the…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

Hey all, its been awhile, the house is just fab ::kiss::
we just love it.
There are a few things we are still waiting on but…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

As we did all our our drainage (we did the connection from water tanks to the house and septic tanks to house) we only got interim as well, but really....we…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Splitting Foxtel between rooms

Ive read all this but still confused, my situation is slightly different,
We have a wall mounted TV and didnt want any boxes on that wall so our austar box is…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

I think it just depends on work load etc.
We had our fly screens fitted about a week before walk through, The only appliance we bought through our build was the…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Big Screen TV's - Plasma, LCD, LED?

we were told the larger the TV you should get a plasma. In the last 6 weeks we bought 2 new TVs
Our more casual TV - Not for movies etc…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
*The Cable Connection special* - 10% OFF STOREWIDE with code

Can you advise me what cable i need for out TV.
we just had it wall mounted and the austar box is in the room behind that wall.
I cant remember…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

ditto So is our place.

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

MR, i hadnt seen your final plans, WOW, your living rooms are huge.
Cant wait to watch your build.

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

Thanks for your comments guys
MR is building the Hermitage not sure which one though

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Finally im able to put up some pics, the splashbacks got installed today, the rangehood will be tomorrow, but we just love our new kitchen

Show me your kitchen...
14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

Well Im back, and all moved in.
Our first night was last Wednesday night and our water tanks arrived last Thursday (2) and the 3rd tank was on yesty.
The house is…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

still no tanks :(
They were meant to arrive in the morning, but now its Thursday.
Im so upset about them.
Ive called EVERY other place it seems, and…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

Sounds just like us Anna
Still waiting on our splashback.
Cant wait to see pic once the floors are down

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

im not sure who asked, but yes we got our wall plaque, looks fine. not sure exactly when we will get it put up

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

oh no 2.2 - congrates on the settlement but :( :( :( about your…

14 years14 yearsacrebuild1acrebuild1 posted:
Who is building with Beechwood

sarbear - it was one thing we were dissapointed with costas - i always had to call, they never called me once, we change all the locations of the switches…

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