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Joined 4 March 2013
Gold Member
10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Built in SA with Dechellis: landscaping

Having had a slab drilled through to fix a plumbing pipe that was pierced before the concrete was poured, we have been assured that the waterproofing etc. has all been…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Owner Build in Southern Flinders Ranges- Cert of Occupancy

Looking amazing, Beetaloo.

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Hampstead Build with Statesman in Adelaide

It can depend on where you are and the availability of tradespeople. Construction Services (including Statesman, Hickinbotham and SA Housing Centre) do seem to go rather fast once they start,…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Owner Build in Southern Flinders Ranges- Cert of Occupancy

It looks wonderful, and the view is magnificent. Perhaps you were meant to be left-handed!

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

I suppose that's because the bleach kills off the good bacteria as well as the bad. What product did you use?

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

Will do B STAR. And thanks so much for sharing your experience. Hope your new toilets are nicely sealed and keeping the pong away.
When we first complained, and since, there…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

Oh, that's very good news, B STAR.
We are going to get someone to check the things that weren't checked with the camera inspection. Hopefully that will happen soon. Fingers crossed,…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Statesman build Barossa Estate

It is amazing how quickly it can turn into a house. Looks great, btam.

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

After removing and scrubbing the Dekfits because they smelt so bad, it has taken two weeks in the outside air to remove the smell from the rubber. There's got to…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Statesman build Barossa Estate

Looks wonderful, btam. Congratulations. :D

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

Both main and ensuite, everywhere you mention except we actually haven't noticed the smell in the toilet bowls. At the moment the Dekfits are making the place liveable but we…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

No, not that I've noticed. Even if I could see the pipes in the wall and/or under the tiles I wouldn't know whether they fit or not. Given that the…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Statesman build Barossa Estate

That's a good bonus. Congratulations on the port-a-loo.

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

What brand is yours? How did you track it back to the seal on the toilet?

When the Dekfit units weren't in place, I was doing that every day or so.…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Simonds Sierra in Hillcrest

Some things are meant to happen. The more places you live in before building, the more you will be sure of what you want. And you will have a great…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

Hi B Star. Sounds possible. They are back-to-wall, floor fix (is that the correct term?). They were specified from the beginning, but when the toilets were installed they installed the…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

Yes, toilet, vanity basin, bath and shower. In the ensuite, toilet, vanity basin and shower.

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

I can see the top of the "water" in the shower drain so I assume it is the full height of the trap. When the smell is at its worst…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

What would cause that to happen?

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Simonds Avalon Adelaide [Pre-site]

Wonderful news, TomCat.

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Statesman build Barossa Estate

Good news btam. Nice Christmas present, even if the slab doesn't get poured.

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Simonds Avalon Adelaide [Pre-site]

I asked for a quote for double glazing (what we were really interested in) and SmartGlass. I didn't get a quote for DG. They clearly don't want to do it.…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

That sounds sensible, SaveH2O. The shower that smells the worst at the moment is the shower that has little use, apart from me pouring water down it every day in…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

Thank you.
I'm learning far more about this than I want to. Builder's plumber had installed two of and I think I can now see why they are not as…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

Thanks for the explanations, Stewie D. Yes I can see water in the wastes (referred to incorrectly by me as downpipes and overflow pipes above); yes there is water in…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

The ones in the showers do, yes, and the showers are where the smell seems the worst, though it's often hard to tell. Does that tell a story?
I really do…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

:( No one? Any suggestions how to handle the smell? I'm pouring litres of water down each of the downpipes, the showers and basins each day…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Sewer smell in bathrooms

Does anyone know of a plumber who does smoke testing in Adelaide and suburbs? A camera snake has revealed nothing wrong, other than soap scum, which we've tried to clear…

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
SA - Ingle Farm - Fremantle by Fairmont Homes - Bricked 80%

Coming along beautifully.

10 years10 years_lucinda_lucinda posted:
Metricon Phoenix Adelaide - landscaping

Once the frame goes up, you'll realise you have a house. That fabulous that you've been given a detailed timetable.

Joined homeone
4 March 2013

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