Deepend Rebate representation on the drawings - Please provi
Hey betty_chenj Welcome to the forum
Correct Strip Footing 1 (SF1) is a standard/typical detail.
It may not be a deepened Footing.

Knock down / rebuild semi in Bondi
You can't get Quotes or Build without Working drawing and engineering.
You want complete certified drawing ... Avoid being touched up by the builder later in the process with missing the…

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
They aren't buying a pound of sausages mate... it's their life saving and providing for their family well being... get it
Advocating that they should sign up at any cost is…

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
For someone to truly assist, they need to be qualified
Also, Ponzo isn't forth coming with qualifications and experience
He asks battlers to sign up blindly, with no design/engineering/data/proofs.

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
LOL, Your own reference to you being an engineer was deleted.... you phony
trying to convince battlers to part with their life saving on your ponzi schemes (humour)

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
I've figured you as a sales stooge.. clipping the ticket while adding no value to the build?
Tell us what you do...

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
You can pay for the design and get a copyright release?
The problem is they don't want you knowing the trues building information, data and costs
whereby querying Building quotes.

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
Hey, @ashington Homes did you forget about your own home Build, Is this not some sort of 3D BIM
if so shouldn't clients know how much concrete is put into their…

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
"What can I do if I agreed to a price increase before I understood my rights under the Act? If a home owner agreed to a price increase due…

First Progress Payment and DBI insured amount
Don't worry about what the super star salesman says
get a copy of the new insurance certificate
OT, If the builder goes broke your out of pocket $40K
That's how it works here…

First Progress Payment and DBI insured amount
Banks use very sophisticated data modelling tools (LOL, Ie, they look up door handle prices on ebay humour), if they don't see $40K post contract value. then I'm afraid you…

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
I think you better go back to the new home salesman or who ever told you that.
I also doubt you'll have any legal case against them if they mislead you.

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
Sounds like you aren't good for anything regarding legal advice and copyright
27 mins in
Plans and copyright are the intellectual property of the builder
Stay tuned

Porter Davis in liquidation
PDH aren't the only ones that delay signed contracts, use clients deposits for their own cashflow and then take out the insurance policies just before BA...that's if they don't go…

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
Talk to poinzo he's a master debater (humour)
Now he's giving legal advice... he's a crack up

Knock down / rebuild semi in Bondi
Builders are going Broke everyday, They need new jobs coming in to sustain cash flow.
The new jobs coming in are poorly documented, exorbitantly priced and geared for variations after you…

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
I've never claimed to be a lawyer...get that straight

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
Yep, Pay the design deposit, get locked into the preparation of plans
and then wait for the 2D engineering and cost variations , it's all bim here
enjoy the humour

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
Stick to my lane?
I am not interest in your 3-5% sales commissions mate... I work hard for a living
Not in the business of r!pping battlers off...get it
Enjoy the humour

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
Lol, Now you claim to be a medical expert?
Stick to selling Houses

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
You aren't qualified ...but they can send you money anyway. Ha.Ha.Ha

Knock down / rebuild semi in Bondi
Hey james0 Welcome the forum
And there is your dilemma a number of rough guestimates which are all over the shop?
Try getting proper…

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
Do have any job that relates to building or are you just a stooge for the status quo and r!pping Battlers off

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
Yes with the Builders who owns the plans, if the builder changes and the price goes up... That's your bad luck
Get some legal advice

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
better walking out with something and trying again than loose everything by using a builders copyright design.. get it
Worse when your builder goes bankrupt you've got nothing
HOPE indeed!

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
If they try r!pping into you on your own design, engineering and data then walk out here
That's what most do, Of course you wouldn't know that... what is it you…

Trade quotes in Builder's variation
reverse back
It's legal to sign clients up on Fake renderings, cheap initial prices, take a deposit and R!p into then with variations...
most clients are non the wiser. Goodluck

Porter Davis
If you had a hard time with defects with the builder, your going to have an even tougher time with the insurer
Guestimates....The PDH insurance claim might be in excess of…

Will prices get better?
Unfortunately, Short of a recession You've got buckleys of build prices coming down.
As more builders drop out, the fewer builders left put prices up...get it