Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
We have finished our build with Charleston and moved in a few months ago. We are extremely happy with what the result. I think as a first time builder we…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
We just finished our build and have moved into our new Charleston home a few weeks ago. We could not be happier with the outcome. We had a couple…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Hi Francisx yes we had to pay the initial deposit for the house drawing to scale (I think it was worth it as we could then make it work to…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Hi Francisx we just finished building with Charleston and were extremely pleased with the process and the outcome.
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
I think the contract was fairly standard but we had some variations...suggest you look at the plans very carefully to ensure that you have what you need upfront so you…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Hi Dezza
We are progressing well. Almost finished but really happy with the end result. Hopefully another 4-5 weeks away from handover. Overall experience has been really great across the board…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Most of them we had signed off as part of our initial contract. And the others were as a result of us wanting the variation rather than a necessity.
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Hi Sunny,
We are progressing well with the home build. Its coming along on track and though not finished yet but sometime mid next year. We are very happy with our…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Hi Hondo we went with a more traditional look but changed the layout inside. In terms of electrical we had to include quotes for lights (no led lights are included)…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Hi Hondo, hidden costs as yet. There were a couple with the council during our DA application but in general no hidden costs. In saying that some of the…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Hi Hondo, Our build has commenced though we are at an early stage and don't anticipate completion for another 12 months or so. The experience so far has been quite…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Thx cag57, Y we needed a DA due to the nature of our block. If you can get away without it will save you approx 6 months of time and…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Yes always a good idea to go and review a home a few years on. We had a couple of friends that built with Charleston a few year ago and…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Hi cag57,
Y coming along quite well...nearing the end of the selection schedules etc The problem is that there is little understanding or visibility of the whole process (especially if you…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Hi cag57 house is about 60sq we started with getting a quote for about $1.2m (INC site costs) but subsequently had seen the variations really add up. Design is still…
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
I agree alexp79 that’s sound advice. The house is just under 60sq.
Charleston Homes - anyone worked with them?
Hi guys we have just received our council approvals to build with Charleston Homes. I have been reading about some of your experiences which is great and will prepare us…