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Joined 14 February 2017
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6 years6 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

I'm in the same boat with quads on both sides. Would like to remove those,but don't know how

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

I got 7 soakage pits put in. The cost is around 8k. Similar situation. No LPOD and not enough slop to discharge it to the kerb. My soil test…

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7 years7 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Thanks a lot, WGB.
I said the same thing to their accounts and accounts emailed ss to confirm. Then the ss email came in this morning basically telling me to…

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7 years7 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi fellows, Darbecca did a report for frame stage on Friday. Yesterday I received the invoice. No rectified works have been done. This morning I received another email from site…

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi all, one quick question about garden tap in quality inclusions brochure under Tapware
2 Garden taps provided - one inside the front boundary and one attached to house.
I can…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 years95289528 posted:
M Class Slab/Foundation on a Site Classified P?? KDR in VIC

Thanks a lot for the clarification. As long as it's a beefed up M slab and adequate for the soil condition, I'm…

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
Cost to repair crossover

Hi Ezza, we're in the same boat. If you're going to have driveway done by some third party, rather than your builder, do it together with the driveway.

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi all,
Can I ask if anyone comes across this change by PD? I've been told I could only have windows without architraves, instead of windows with architraves over tiles…

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
M Class Slab/Foundation on a Site Classified P?? KDR in VIC

Here is the footing recommendation section from 2nd soil report
They have recommended M class foundation. But somehow the final engineering plan I received hasn't been updated to reflect that.
May I…

M Class Slab/Foundation on a Site Classified P?? KDR in VIC
7 years7 years95289528 posted:
M Class Slab/Foundation on a Site Classified P?? KDR in VIC

Hi Insider,
Thanks a lot for your insight. Is that right cost wise, steel piles are the most expensive, screw piles sits in the middle with concrete piers being the rather…

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
M Class Slab/Foundation on a Site Classified P?? KDR in VIC

Thanks a lot for the advice. I just got both copies of soil reports. Are these the sections which matters the most?

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
M Class Slab/Foundation on a Site Classified P?? KDR in VIC

Thanks so much for your reply.
I'm building a double storey in a built-up area. According to the builder, the block is quite flat. No LPOD is sighted therefore they have…

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
M Class Slab/Foundation on a Site Classified P?? KDR in VIC

I could see from your thread that 59 concrete piers were put in under your slab.
How much extra did that cost you? Cheers

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Brucefil,
Thanks for the tip. Fingers crossed tomorrow. Hopefully I could get some credit back.
I have checked my engineering plan. I got 35 steel piles driven to 75KN safe…

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
M Class Slab/Foundation on a Site Classified P?? KDR in VIC

Hi Old Bloke,
Thanks for your reply. I will definitely ask for a copy of that tomorrow.
May I ask how much roughly those concrete piers cost you and how many of…

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
M Class Slab/Foundation on a Site Classified P?? KDR in VIC

Hi guys,
I'm doing a KDR with a volume builder in SE of VIC. The block is not too far from the beach side so that I have been told after…

7 years7 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi guys,
I've been sent final drawings and engineering plan to sign before they could book a site cut next week.
I have just compared 2nd soil test report after knockdown…

8 years8 years95289528 posted:
Storm water Legal point of discharge

Thanks a lot. Did you install soakage pits or discharge to the kerb?

8 years8 years95289528 posted:
Storm water Legal point of discharge

Hi bashworth, thanks for the link. The soakage pits is the solution my builder proposed at the moment. They told me that discharging to the kerb is too difficult due…

8 years8 years95289528 posted:
Storm water Legal point of discharge

Hi buildingnanna, thanks for reply. Could you pass on details of pros you hired? And how much roughly does that cost you? Cheers

  ⋅  1
8 years8 years95289528 posted:
Storm water Legal point of discharge

I'm doing a knockdown and rebuild a single house. A while ago I lodged a application to council to get legal point of discharge info. It came back saying:

8 years8 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

They told me that there are two options. One is to the kerb and the other is infiltration system which is soakage pits. To discharge to the kerb, you would…

8 years8 years95289528 posted:
United Energy - power pits!

Use Twitter to reach them. Way effective than calling. Someone actually will call you back.

8 years8 years95289528 posted:
United Energy - power pits!

Keep calling. Took me around 4wks to get quote. By memory, it was $3774 starting price, plus extra for cables, if you need more than 5m.

8 years8 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

I just received an update regarding LPOD. They say they will install soakage pits and put extra $5500 allowance under Services. Does anyone have soakage pits put in during a…

8 years8 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

They have the full access from front. There is no parking restrictions on both sides of street. It's a rather quiet street with power poles on the other side of…

8 years8 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Nikil, thanks for the heads up. I will definitely bring that up at my 2nd tender which would be next week.

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8 years8 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

I just got off the phone with local council. They told me that unless builder is planning to sort of permanently occupying council's land during the building period,there is no…

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8 years8 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

I got the breakdown of OHS cost from PD this morning.
Out of 18k, 16k is to Provide manual handling charge due to site restrictions. Manual handling includes but not…

8 years8 years95289528 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Liz, thanks a lot for your reply.
I questioned the overhead power line within 6m of construction as well at tender. She said ' Oh, that must refer to your…

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Porter Davis homes
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