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63 Posts
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Joined 12 June 2010
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13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Are you happy with your concrete driveway? Sydney

No one is happy with their driveways??? That's scary.

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Concretor recommendation please - Sydney

Hi all,
We have had a bad experience with our 4-month-old concrete driveway: wrong color, cracks, powdery surface. Our concretor agreed to take it out for us for free but he…

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
rock excavation cost

The plumber hit rocks when he was digging for the underground watertanks. In our contract, there is no indicated price for rock excavation. The builder has not charged us yet…

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Ugly pipe work

Hi all,
Me again. A lot of problems during the build.
Today we found the plumber installed our wall mounted basin's drainage pipe like this.
Now my questions, how can they…

Ugly pipe work
13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Anyone building with AVJennings / Sekisui house?

wall and ceiling insulation is not part of the base price. these will be charged under basix allowance. in our case, it was about $4K.
there are a lot of other…

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
$50,000 for site costs?? Are they kidding?

We are building with them as well, in NSW. I just want to say your site cost is not high compare to ours. Ours is 45K for site costs (1…

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Independent building inspector, any recommend?

Thanks! I am building in upper north shore. Do you mind telling me more about how you use his service, like how many inspections he should carry out for your…

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Oven and Gas Cooktop installation

Thanks AJW!
Decided not to supply our own, just to save the headaches.

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Oven and Gas Cooktop installation

Hi everyone,
I am wondering if I ask my builder to delete the standard oven and gas cooktop and supply my own, do I need to hire a plumber/electrician to install…

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Did you get your washing machine connected to rainwater tank

Hi Jessica, where are you building? We were told by our builder in Melbourne that they would NOT do this. We fought over it, and they still refused,…

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Did you get your washing machine connected to rainwater tank

Hi everyone,
My builder is asking me if I want my washing machine to be connected to rainwater tank. The CS girl said most people do and it can earn points…

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Help! Contract content and Tender content not the same??

Thanks bashworth!
If the contract price increased due to things unable to be foreseen, I wouldn't think they are unreasonable.
For example, the clause about us paying for the cost if the…

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Recommended driveway concreter

Hello Michelle,
May I have his contact details as well?

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Are you happy with your concrete driveway? Sydney

Thanks Danois for your tips.
I am trying my luck out there again...

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Concretor recommendation please - Sydney

Still waiting...

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Are you happy with your concrete driveway? Sydney

If so, would you please give me your concretor's contact? I am looking for someone to do our driveway and I do not want to try my luck (which I…

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Sydney upper north shore - bricks and white cement for sale

We have about 700 left over face bricks, off white cement 6bags*2kg/bag, abou 1 ton of white sand for sale. The bricks are Austral Alsphat, smooth surface. Want to sell…

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Final inspection - is an independent inspector worth hiring?

Thanks everyone for your thoughts!
We finally decided not to use one. The builder provides 3 month check sort of thing so we can live in the house, feel the wrongs…

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Exposed slab - how to fix this?

Hi all,
We found our house slab is higher than the natural ground height so some part of the slab is exposed. Our land is sloping from back to front so…

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Final inspection - is an independent inspector worth hiring?

Hi Kiki,
Oh, still no start? Why?

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Final inspection - is an independent inspector worth hiring?

Thanks everyone!
We think we will use one.

13 years13 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Final inspection - is an independent inspector worth hiring?

Hi all,
We are getting very close to the handover and I am wondering if we should hire an inspector to do walk-through with us before we make the final payment.

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Anyone building with AVJennings / Sekisui house?

Hi Simon,
That's a long list of upgrades! May I know how much did AV Jennings charge you for that?
We are building with them as well. We got our CDC today…

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Independent building inspector, any recommend?

We are going to start building soon (I hope) and we are looking into hiring an independent inspector to check the building quality. We are building in Sydney, NSW. Can…

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Oven and Gas Cooktop installation

Thanks Kyton,
The builder will let me delete them if I want but I am not sure if I should supply my own.

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Did you get your washing machine connected to rainwater tank

Thanks everyone!
I will get it connected to the rainwater tank then.

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Help! Contract content and Tender content not the same??

Thanks for your input.
I am sure there are honest builders out there. And for those who are not honest, shouldn't we fight for our rights or just put up with…

14 years14 years594Jessica594Jessica posted:
Help! Contract content and Tender content not the same??

Hi everyone,
Here is our drama.
We paid our deposit with a major builder in NSW in July 2010 and they carried out a survey on our block. Tender 1 in Oct,…

Joined homeone
12 June 2010

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