is this damage of timber joist acceptable?
That's pretty normal and won't be a problem.
It's more annoying for the carpenter than anything because he either has to clean out the groove or put it aside to use…

rectified tiles and mitered joints issues *UPDATED PICS/VIDS
Stewie is right,
Tiles can be bowed and the sizing can vary. This is usually the case with cheaper tiles.
I've heard of silicone in the mitres before, it won't fall out…

matching to old corrugated roofing
From what I've come across, sheets from the mid 80's should still match the profile of the newer ones.
The older sheets were typically narrower, but the profile still matches. you…

Brick layer Costs and Fees
Brickies rates have gone through the roof over the last 12 months.
There is a serious shortage of brickies.
The way I see it is it is an old mans trade and…

Am i being overcharged for higher ceilings?
I would have said that sounds fair.
I think there are a lot of unrealised costs.
For starters the extra bricks and labour alone would be half of that. Then there is…

Retaining Wall and fence on boundary - CDC or DA ?
I'm sure all councils are different, but in my past dealings on an existing built lot I was told it the wall was cut down to 1m max an application…

Attaching Stone Cladding to Rendered Brick Wall
Ideally the render should be removed.
Stack stone or tiles in general are pretty heavy and can actually pull the render off. It might last a while, but you won't find…

Joist notching question
I'm going to guess the wire was there first which is why it was notched.
They likely were avoiding having to get an electrician to cut and re join or re…

Joist notching question
by the looks of it, it could be said this joist acts as a pole plate not a joist.
It looks to be bolted to the side of the house also.

process of restumping a house
Ok, I would aim for a minimum 900mm. Typically a soil test would be needed to determine best depth, so what I state is pretty much rule of thumb.
Stoneville, is…

Plumbing problem
There would be a reason for this.
When more than one tap or outlet is opened the pressure will be reduced. That's just a given. The question is really how much…

Advice Please: Window size differnt to house plans
Sounds like A&L windows.
They make spin about how their inline reveal system is better, but I think there is more cons with it.
For starters standard blind sizes wont fit, and…

process of restumping a house
As Stewie said, the stumps need to be in the ground otherwise the house would fall over when the wind blew, or shake pretty bad when people walked around.
300mm deep…

Are double entrance doors just two doors?
Hi Stewie,
I've seen plenty of builders and pre hung door suppliers over the years use a mushroom mould (the "T" piece one) to create a seal without the need and…

Steel Frame builders
Steel might not warp if left to the elements, but steel will buckle.
Steel gives way without warning.
Not that we build houses planned around worst case emergencies, But I've heard fire…

Steel Frame builders
I've built both steel and timber frames.
Personally I wouldn't have a steel frame for myself.
The only real positives I've come up with is that steel frames are lighter and straighter.

Windows in showers
You missed my point and Spoken like a true salesman.
So you think extra light and heat is an advantage in the northern states?
A&L might have the largest single site, I…

Handover and final invoicing.
Have you ever signed a building contract before?

Laying Laminate Flooring - slab preparation
Laminate flooring needs to be laid on top of a moisture barrier, this is usually just like the black plastic that might be laid under a slab.
It is simply loose…

Handover and final invoicing.
Um, does anyone realise that if you don't pay the practical completion stage even with minor defect outstanding you are actually in breach of contract?
Most builders will be good and…

Frameless Vs Semi-Frameless?
Is that an imported screen?
Screens made here can be cut to suit any out of plumb walls before the glass is toughened

Bowed I-beam
The masonry code isn't really relevant when talking brick veneer.
You are over thinking it, like I was trying to say, stop looking at it as if it's some sort of…

Windows in showers
The section is 3.8.1
Basically walls need to be water resistant to a height of 1800 within 1500 of the shower head.
I wouldn't call that timber window water resistant unless it…

Windows in showers
What I mean about people getting caught out is that the supplier or builder or carpenter or frame manufacturer some where down the line aren't specifically told the windows being…

Windows in showers
Yikes, That actually doesn't comply with the building code

Bowed I-beam
I know I'm only pointing out the obvious, but it's not a bond beam. There is no need for rods in the bottom course.
Deflection of 6mm is not acceptable. It's…

Bowed I-beam
Possibly, what interests me though is that the brick is actually cracked which to me suggests movement has occurred once the mortar has dried.
With no lintel prop or removed too…

Need help! Where do I stand? Electricity meter on wrong side
Sorry I'm lost....
You originally said "On our plans our electricity meter is drawn on the left hand side"
Then "My left hand side is my garage where the meter in sitting…

Windows in showers
A&L windows use what they call an inline reveal system.
What this effectively means is that there is a smaller up stand of aluminium on the inside. If you were to…