4PostsMost Active Topics
15 years15 years
2good4me posted:
Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA

Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA
mmmm kk I'm going to try to link a file of the block again
15 years15 years
2good4me posted:
Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA

Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA
Hey guys thanks for the support I had no idea there would be posts on the tread so quickly!!!
In a rush today (parents 60th wedding anniversary) so will post…
15 years15 years
2good4me posted:
Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA

Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA
So here are pic's of the elevation:
and floorplan:
All comments are MOST welcome.
Contract is signed but we havn't done pre-start yet so we still have time to make changes.
15 years15 years
2good4me posted:
Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA

Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA
AVAST me shipmates!!!...do I see a new home on the horizon?
Building Luxxe with Summit Homes in WA
Ahh the joys of new home building. We swore to each other we would…
Joined homeone
3 January 2010