Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
Depends what program the designer uses on how easy it is to create the 3D. You'll likely pay a lot for 3D images though unless you can get a drafty…
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
Hell of a lot more work involved in creating 3D. It doesn't just come from the 2D drawings.
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
Of course there is more work, op didn't ask that. They asked if they need it.
The 3D is most definately created from the 2D - so the render is to…
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
Yes the 3D does cost a bit, but there is price points. Just ask your designer. Rough 3D models to illustrate level changes don't need the full render treatment and…
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
OP, if you can afford it or find a designer who like BeatrixKiddo does quick 3D models as they go, then definitely get some 3D images. They don't need…
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
Have a look at my rear landscaping build thread, I did my own 2D and 3D plans, it helped me with alot having 3D to trully see the final look…
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
That's awesome wrexter. Loved it when I first saw it, and still love it!