8 years8 years11Orchid posted:
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
Thanks a lot BeatrixKiddo, roomeat, wrexter, cat_dunc. I came to a conclusion that rather than involving a draftee or a 3D designer, it's better to do it yourself. It will…
8 years8 years11Orchid posted:
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
Thank you BeatrixKiddo! Really appreciate that info.
8 years8 years11Orchid posted:
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
Is it worth getting a 3D landscape design for a new house?
Hi all,
Me and my husband are building a new house. We are nearing completion and were planning to get landscape design done. Is it worth getting a 3D design…
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30 May 2016