Installing security windows is important for home safety. Whether you live alone or share the house with someone, a window installation can provide added protection to your property.

A security window is installed between the exterior wall and interior glass pane of a residential window. This means that if a burglar tries to break into your house, they would not be able to get through the glass without breaking at least one of those two panes. As such, installing a security window is often considered a wise investment for homeowners who want their homes protected against burglaries.

If you don’t install a security window, you are putting yourself at risk since a thief could easily break both the exterior and interior glass panes.

Security screen windows are perfect for use in any type of building including commercial properties as well as residential buildings. They are also available in different sizes and designs so you will be able to find one that fits perfectly inside your walls.

You can choose among many materials including aluminium, wood, fibreglass, vinyl, etc. Whatever material you choose, make sure it meets your requirements. For instance, if you prefer lighter installations, opt for aluminium while heavier options usually come with more features.

Advantages of Installing A Security Screen

One advantage of having security doors and windows installed is that you won’t have to worry about replacing any of the glass panes after a break-in. Because these windows and doors frame only cover the outside portion, no matter how much damage occurs to the interior part of the glass, there is nothing wrong with the overall appearance of your house.

Another great thing about them is that they can eliminate the need of using curtains on windows. Curtains tend to hide some parts of the room which makes it harder to know when intruders are present. When a burglar sees that there are no curtains covering the window, they will immediately conclude that the area is empty.

Qualities to look for in door and window screens
  • Security Level – How strong is the material behind the screen?
The diamond grille also called a "diamond mesh" was developed for use on window screens. These were later adapted for use in heat exchangers. It consists of fine wire meshes spaced at regular intervals so that they form an interconnecting gridwork. This allows a fluid passing over them to pass through while preventing solid objects from entering.
  • Corrosion Resistance – Does the screen contain materials that will resist weather changes and extreme heat/cold?
316 Marine Grade Stainless Steel is an austenitic alloy containing nickel and chromium in certain amounts. This type of steel is excellent corrosion resistant and is often used for ship construction.
  • Durability – Can the screen withstand daily wear and tear?
Powder coat screens are small clear plastic screens that are placed over window frames before applying paint for their protection. This type of window is used in order to avoid any dirt entering the house and getting into the house. These types of windows can be found in many houses around the world.
  • Easy Installation – Are the instructions clear and simple to follow?
  • Cost Effectiveness – What does the price include? Will it break the budget?
Perforated aluminium is a form of non-corrosion-resistant metal building material that allows the flow of fluid through its walls and roof. Architectural designers use this type of design because it's cost-effective and also has the advantage of being able to control how much heat enters the house or building.
  • Warranty – How long will the warranty last?
  • Quality Control – Who will be liable if anything goes wrong during the installation process?
  • Energy Efficiency – Will they save energy while providing adequate security?
  • Noise Reduction – Will they reduce noise levels inside and outside the property?
Home Security vs Residential Screen Windows

When choosing whether to go with a sliding security screen window or go for other types of residential security measures, the most common question people ask is what kind of protection these windows offer versus other methods.

While we cannot guarantee that you will be completely safe from all potential dangers, you can expect a higher level of safety with security screen doors and windows than other forms of security measures.

How Do I Know Which Type Of Safety Measure To Install?

While you should always take the time to consider your needs and preferences before making an investment, you should also remember that money isn’t everything. In fact, spending extra money on something like this is worth it if you feel safer and more secure knowing that a criminal might try to break into your home or business office.

There is a wide range of security screening products available in the market today. That said, here are some things to keep in mind:

If you live somewhere where thefts are relatively rare, then you probably do not require any additional security measures. However, if the crime rate is high in your neighbourhood or city, then investing in a security measure is recommended.

Consider the environment in which you live. If you live in a rural region, chances are you will not be bothered by thieves. However, if you live in a city or suburb, you may want to invest in security products to protect you from possible criminals lurking around.

Make sure to look at your insurance policy before deciding on installing a security window. This way you can ensure that your coverage is sufficient enough to pay for the damages or loss caused by criminals breaking through your security device.

You may also wish to look into the cost of installation rather than purchasing the entire unit. There are plenty of companies out there who offer services such as installing screen doors and windows, but they charge varying rates based on their expertise and experience.