Let me introduce you to Double Glazed windows…
Double-glazed windows consist of two panes of glass separated by either air gap, or for better results, inert gas. The gap is the most crucial part of the Double-Glazed unit; it allows the two sheets of glass to create a space that acts as an insulator.
The gap in the double-glazed unit ensures the loss of heating and cooling is minimised. Not only that, but it also restricts outdoor temperatures from leaking into your home in those hot or cold climates.
Investing in Double Glazing goes beyond saving money on your energy bills; it will serve to decrease your carbon footprint.
Older or poorly designed windows can set you up to overuse your heating or cooling system, resulting in an alarming amount of greenhouse gas being produced. By using Double Glazed windows, we can contribute to the reduction of up to 700kg of carbon gas emission on an annual basis. (Source: 'https://whosgreenonline.com/environmental-benefits/')
The benefits of having double-glazed windows are more than the beauty of looking at them. The rewarding benefits of replacing your windows are worth the time and money - especially if you are seeking another way to do your part in the environment and save money at the same time.
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