Let's be honest, Aussie backyards wouldn't be the same without those stunning trees. They shade our barbecues, give the kids a jungle gym, and make the whole place feel a bit more alive. But those beautiful roots? Sometimes they become a real headache, causing cracked concrete, uneven patios, and blocked drains. These are the battle cries in the never-ending war between homeowners and determined tree roots. Don't worry, battlers! There are ways to tame these tenacious tendrils and achieve peaceful coexistence with your leafy neighbours. If things get too hairy, there's always the option of professional tree root removal, but hopefully, we can avoid that!

Understanding why those roots are going rogue

Hold on with the shovels for a sec! Let's size up the competition first – their root system, to be exact. Tree roots, like us all, are just out there hustlin' to get by. These little explorers are all about digging tunnels and combing the dirt for yummy food and water to keep their treetop mansions buzzing. Here's the scoop (get it? ) on how these underground whizzes make their magic happen:
  • Growth patrol: There are two main types of tree root systems: taproots and feeder roots.
  1. Taproots, like the one on a determined carrot, head straight down deep into the earth.
  2. Feeder roots, on the other hand, are more like an underground web, spreading out near the surface to soak up all the good stuff.
  • What makes them tick: A few things influence how aggressively a tree's roots will grow. Sandy soil is like a root playground, letting it spread easily. Clay, on the other hand, packs a tighter punch and might slow them down a bit. The age and type of tree also matter. Younger trees are more active root growers, and some species, like those sneaky ficus and water-loving willows, are known for their expansive root systems.
Spotting the signs of a root ruckus

Alright, so we talked about why those tree roots are going crazy underground. Now, how do we know if they're invading our homes? Here's what to watch out for:
  • Cracked foundation: These rooty rogues can really mess up your house's structure. Uneven floors, gaps around doors and windows, and cracks in the foundation - that could be their handiwork. This can be a sign of hazardous trees and should be addressed promptly.
  • The wobbly walkway woe: Ever notice your patio or walkway looking a little bumpy? Yep, those could be roots pushing up from underneath.
  • The drain drama: Those tiny root fingers can worm their way into your pipes and drains, causing those pesky blockages that just won't go away.
Don't let these rooty rascals win! Catching the problem early saves you from spending a bunch of money on repairs. A qualified arborist, basically a tree doctor can figure out what's going on and tell you the best way to handle it.

Winning the battle without going nuclear

For less severe cases, there are ways to fight back against those pesky roots without resorting to drastic measures. Here are some chill methods you can consider:
  • Root barriers: Think of these as underground fences. They're sheets of tough material installed around problem areas to block root growth in its tracks.
  • Trench warfare (with caution): This involves digging a trench around the unwanted roots and carefully cutting them back. Leave this to the professionals though, to avoid harming the tree itself.
  • Soil SOS: Changing the soil composition near your foundation can make it less appealing to roots. Adding gravel or a root-retarding barrier can deter root growth in that specific area.
Chemical warfare (A last resort!)

It's important to remember that chemical root control should be a last resort. These herbicides can be bad for the environment and even harm your other plants. Always chat with a qualified arborist to discuss the risks and regulations before going down this path.

Calling in the big guns: When to hire a pro

Tree roots can be stubborn little things, sometimes a real pain to deal with. If they're getting out of control or causing trouble, don't fight them alone! When things get hairy, call in a tree expert. Certified arborists are tree superheroes – they've got the know-how and the tools to tackle any root issue safely and effectively.

Living in harmony with your leafy mates

Prevention is always better than cure! Here are some proactive steps you can take to stop root problems from popping up in the first place:
  • Choose the right tree: Before planting that gorgeous jacaranda, consider its mature size and root growth patterns. Opt for trees with less aggressive root systems if they'll be planted near your house or walkways.
  • Planting smarts: Planting your tree at a safe distance from your home and other structures is crucial. Follow recommended planting guidelines to ensure your tree has enough space for healthy root growth without causing trouble later.
  • Regular tree TLC: Proper pruning can help manage root growth and prevent them from becoming too adventurous. Removing suckers and root sprouts that pop up near your foundation also helps keep things in check.
Living with trees is all about finding a balance. Knowing how tree roots grow and taking some simple steps can turn your backyard into a chill spot for you and your leafy buddies. If the tree roots seem like they're winning the fight, don't sweat it! A tree pro (arborist) can check things out and tell you the best way to keep your house safe and your trees happy. Now, go forth and enjoy that backyard bliss, minus the root-induced drama!