Are Sliding Doors Secure?

Are Sliding Doors Secure?

What Are Sliding Doors?

Sliding doors are a popular choice due to their ease of use, range of colours and natural light they give off. But are sliding doors secure?

The answer is yes and no. Sliding doors can be made more secure by installing locks, security screens, or security film. For example, a sliding door lock can be installed along the top or bottom track, while a security screen door will protect against forced entry. You should also consider installing a home security system with glass break sensors and motion detectors to alert you if someone attempts to open or close your sliding door.

Reasons Sliding Doors Are Not Secure

Sliding doors can provide a great aesthetic to any home, as well as natural light and ease of use. However, this convenience comes with potential security risks that all homeowners should be aware of. Without proper security measures, sliding doors can easily become targets for thieves and intruders.

Common risk factors include inadequate door locks, lack of an appropriate security screen or glass break sensor to alert you if someone is attempting entry, and even the simple fact that many people forget to lock their sliding door when not in use. So while sliding doors may look aesthetically pleasing and offer convenience, they will not protect your home without additional safety measures such as locks, security screens or sensors being installed.

To ensure your home is secure from unwanted visitors and thieves, it’s important to take the necessary steps to safeguard your sliding doors and make sure they are properly locked at all times. Don’t let the false sense of security from having a sliding door fool you – always remember to take extra precautions to keep your home safe!

It’s important that you remember to always lock the door when not in use and ensure all locks are properly secured within the door frame. This will help protect your home from potential intruders looking for an easy target.

Sliding doors may offer convenience and aesthetics, but they don't provide security on their own. To ensure your home is safe from intruders and thieves, take the necessary steps to safeguard your sliding door. Stay tuned for more ways to make sure your sliding doors are secure!

Ways to Make Sliding Doors More Secure

Sliding doors are a popular choice for many homeowners, offering natural light and ease of use. However, without proper security measures, sliding doors can quickly become a security risk. To ensure your home is safe from intruders and thieves, take the necessary steps to make your sliding door more secure.

Start by selecting a strong and secure lock that meets Australian standards and suits the look of your door. Then consider installing a security screen or glass break sensor to alert you if someone is attempting entry. Additionally, you may want to consider applying a security film to the glass in the door which will strengthen it against break-ins. Finally, remember to always lock your sliding door when not in use and keep it locked even when you’re at home.

There are also other options available such as patio doors or security screen doors that provide additional protection for your home. You can also install an automated system that allows you to open and close the door remotely with a single touch of a button or voice command – providing ultimate convenience as well as additional safety features such as automatic locking when closed.

Don't forget that taking extra precautions and investing in additional safety measures can go a long way in protecting your home from unwelcome intruders! With these simple steps, you can ensure that your sliding doors provide both convenience and peace of mind at all times!

By taking the proper steps to make your sliding door more secure, you can ensure that your home is safe and protected from intruders. Now that you have addressed the security of your sliding glass door, take a look at other options such as security screens or French doors to provide even more peace of mind.

Security Screens or French Doors

For an added layer of security, consider installing security screens or French doors in your home. Security screens offer a sleek and modern look while still providing the extra protection you need to keep intruders out. These screens are made from strong materials such as aluminium or steel and come in a range of colours to match your home's existing décor. With a secure lock system installed, these screens will provide an impenetrable barrier against intruders.

French doors also add a touch of elegance and charm to any home while still offering superior protection from unwanted visitors. They are typically made from durable glass panels that can be locked for extra safety, allowing you to enjoy natural light without worrying about potential break-ins. Additionally, with their timeless style and unique design, French doors can enhance the overall appearance of any room in your home.

Whether you go for security screens or French doors, both options provide an extra layer of security that will give you peace of mind when it comes to keeping your home safe. Investing in these extra measures is well worth it for the extra protection they provide!

Security Screen Doors with Security Mesh or Bars

If you're looking for an effective way to improve the security of your home without compromising its appearance, then installing a security screen door with either security mesh or bars is the perfect solution. Security screen doors are designed to provide maximum protection while still allowing natural light and fresh air into your home.

These doors are made from durable materials such as aluminium, steel or galvanised steel which provide strength and durability against potential intruders. Additionally, they come in a range of colours so you can easily find one that matches your existing décor.

Security mesh or bars offer an extra layer of protection by preventing anyone from being able to see inside your home. They also act as a deterrent by blocking access to windows and doors while still providing ventilation and visibility. With a secure locking system installed, these doors offer unbeatable security against break-ins or unwanted visitors.

Installing a security screen door with either security mesh or bars is an ideal solution for improving the safety of your home without sacrificing its style. The extra layer of protection will give you peace of mind knowing that you and your family are safe from potential intruders.


When it comes to home security, choosing the right door is an important decision. Sliding doors are a popular choice as they provide easy access to your home while still looking stylish. However, if you want to ensure that your home is safe and secure, you should look into installing a sliding security door with either security mesh or bars.

With this extra layer of protection, you can rest assured that any uninvited guests won't be able to gain entry into your home. Security screen doors not only offer unbeatable security but also come in a range of colours so you can find one that matches your existing décor. Investing in a sliding security door will give you peace of mind knowing that your family and belongings are safe from potential intruders.