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47 Safety & Non Slip Floors Articles
Safety & Non Slip Floors
Visit Profile: Grip Guard Non-SlipGrip Guard Non-Slip17 years17 years
Read Article: NonSlip Floor Treatments Essential for Home Safety

NonSlip Floor Treatments Essential for Home Safety

Slip and fall injuries are one of the most common accidents in the home. Improper and unsafe selections of floor surfaces endanger family members and guests to our homes.

Visit Profile: Grip Guard Non-SlipGrip Guard Non-Slip17 years17 years
Read Article: Slip and Fall Accidents  Non-Slip Floor Safety Solutions

Slip and Fall Accidents Non-Slip Floor Safety Solutions

Floor surfaces that do not have the appropriate non slip properties can have disastrous consequences.

Visit Profile: Grip Guard Non-SlipGrip Guard Non-Slip17 years17 years
Read Article: Slippery Floors in the Home  No Laughing Matter

Slippery Floors in the Home No Laughing Matter

Slip and fall injuries may be the subject of many of Australias Funniest Home Videos however, in reality, slippery floors are a very serious issue in our homes. In fact, slippery floors are one of the largest contributors to injuries in the home.

Visit Profile: Grip Guard Non-SlipGrip Guard Non-Slip17 years17 years
Read Article: Slippery Floors in the Home - Protect your family and friends from slip & fall injuries

Slippery Floors in the Home - Protect your family and friends from slip & fall injuries

The worst slip and fall accidents usually occur when a person is unaware that the surface is wet and slippery and is unprepared for the change in surface friction.

Visit Profile: Grip Guard Non-SlipGrip Guard Non-Slip17 years17 years
Read Article: Slip & Fall Accidents in the Home:  Non-Slip / Anti-Slip Floor Surfaces

Slip & Fall Accidents in the Home: Non-Slip / Anti-Slip Floor Surfaces

Statistics show that, in economic terms, falls cost the Australian society more than any other type of injury. There is just no justifiable reason for having floors in the home that are not non-slip.

Visit Profile: Grip Guard Non-SlipGrip Guard Non-Slip17 years17 years
Read Article: Non-Slip, Anti-Slip, Slip ResistantWhat are your Legal Responsibilities?

Non-Slip, Anti-Slip, Slip ResistantWhat are your Legal Responsibilities?

You only have to open newspapers and magazine to get an idea of the number of slip and fall injuries that occur every day.

Visit Profile: Grip Guard Non-SlipGrip Guard Non-Slip17 years17 years
Read Article: Non-Slip Floor Surfaces - Keeping Australians on their Feet

Non-Slip Floor Surfaces - Keeping Australians on their Feet

While every floor surface has the potential for accidents, floor surfaces that meet minimum standards of slip resistance provide maximum protection from accidental injury.

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