Simple tips on successful Vertical Gardens
for summer and the rest of the year
The benefits of a green wall are not just aesthetic, they improve the living areas by cooling, providing lush greenery, including cooking herbs or even vegetables, and improve health by the enjoyment and uplift of natural plants.
A minimum of care is necessary of course,watering and tending the vertical garden is not a real time drain if you go about it correctly. Irrigation systems are generally self-reliant and once set up are generally safe but you do need to check all components including the battery every 4 months.
To get the most out of a Vertical Garden here are some important points of which you need to be observant:
- use a qualified garden specialist to select plants
- test the product by searching basic engineering specs on-line beforehand
- personalize your design by viewing images of other interesting designs
- check the weight requirements or ask the contractor before installing anywhere
- avoid cheap irrigation timers that may fail
- fix a date for maintenance such as checking the irrigation flow every two weeks and always occasionally spray with hose on hotter days
Growing Well has built and installed vertical gardens since 2011 for both residential and commercial applications and will provide a quick quote service for enquiries relating to our recommended soil based easy care systems. Visit our website: