Predictions 2012 the Year of the Dragon Part 3b of 3 Man Luck
By Lok Tin Feng Shui|March 19, 2012
Ox (Born in 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)
There is no single lucky star in the Ox’s palace in 2011. It was a challenge year for the ox in 2011. However, it is not over until their birthday in 2012.
Ms Julie Gillard was born in 1961, the year of the ox and in the rooster month. It will be a tough year for her until September. It will be some changes in March, April 2012 for her.
In the Year of the Dragon, Ox must be more flexible and do not be too stubborn, otherwise Ox is easily isolated.
Ox and the Dragon are in penalty relationship. Beware of smear or slander and implicated by others.
Health: Refer to the above for the four most sensitive animal signs
Wealth: Ox born in 1985 has better income.
Goat (Born in 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)
Beware of lawsuit or argument with your business partners. Be more flexible to yourself and others. Avoid too rigid and persist on your own ideals.
Be very careful, Goat will make a lot of silly mistakes at work. So make sure plenty of rest and at least 7 hours sleep each night.
For working class, if you have a female supervisor or boss, your work will be appreciated and you will be easily getting a promotion provided that no paperwork issues.
There is a lucky star call “Nation Seal”?? in the Goat palace. The “Nation Seal” gives the Goat power and control in 2012 year of the Dragon.
Health: Refer to the above for the four most sensitive animal signs
Wealth: average.
Rat (Born 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)
2011 the rats experienced relationship issue because there were three romantic stars in the Rat’s palace.
The rats in 2012 the year of Dragon, since there is combining with the Dragon, there will be more opportunities getting into partnership in business or working in a team.
Keep yourself in low key position to prevent getting yourself into troubles.
There is a “White Tiger” ?? star in 2012 the year of the Dragon for the Rat. There will be minor medical operation or caesarean section for female if giving birth.
Health issue: excretion system of your body, including, kidneys, urethra, prostate gland for male, bladders…
Wealth: improving in 2012.
Tiger (Born in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
The travelling star (??) is in the Tiger’s palace which means Tigers in 2012 the year of the Dragon has a lot more opportunities to travel. It is related to a new job or internal reshuffle.
Tigers will feel dull and the emotion is low in 2012. Avoid go to funerals or hospitals.
Be a volunteer in local library or go the library more often will cheer the Tiger up since there is the study (Wenchang ??) star in their palace.
Health issue: Arms, liver and back.
Wealth: Better than expected.
Rabbit (Born in 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
Your gossips and troubles including health issues, love and relationship around you will be fading away slowly and completely gone by your birthday month in 2012 year of the Dragon.
Animal sign Rabbit, in 2012 year of the dragon, there are 2 bad stars, sickness and six harms (??, ??) in the palace which will bring some health issue such as flu or tiredness and fatigue.
Luckily, Rabbit has got the Nobleman star (????) in 2012 the year of the Dragon which helps reduce some bad energy and bring in help.
Avoid crowded and polluted places. Do not abuse your power.
Health: lungs, respiration system, teeth.
Wealth: Average
Snake (Born in 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)
Your rush and travelling won’t subside until your birth month.
There will be twists and turns in work in 2012 the year of Dragon. The Snakes do not feel energetic. Snakes feel alone.
In additional to the Nobleman star (????) in 2012 the year of the Dragon which helps reduce some bad energy and bring in help, the Snake also got the “Sun” shines on them that means there is a male boss or supervisor will look after you, especially for snake born in 1977.
Health: Eyes, hearts, blood pressure.
Wealth: budget well and prepare for 2013.
Horse (Born in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)
Laugh more often.
In 2012 Year of the Dragon, the Horses have got the “Song Moon” (??) and “Blood Dagger” (??). These two stars are in relation to someone in the family may get sick or may pass away. “Blood Dagger” is relation to cuts and wounds. If you are a chef, be very careful managing your knives.
An elderly person in the family may have some health problems.|
On the other hand, the Horses have got the “Heaven Dispel” (??) star in 2012 year of the Dragon. It helps dispel some depression or sadness.
Health: Eyes, hearts, blood pressure.
Wealth: Average except for horses born in 1966. They are a bit worse off.
Monkey (Born in 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)
If you were born in the November, December of the Monkey year, the travelling schedule should be diminished by now.
Monkey combines with the Dragon, in 2012, there are more partnership, join venture opportunities or working in a team. Keep yourself in low profile; otherwise you will attract a lot jealous.
Beware of making mistakes while you are too busy.
The lucky star “San Tai”, ??, will bring you fame and money.
Health: Digestive system, respiratory system, teeth.
Wealth: Excellent.
See next Article for Rooster and Pig continuation...
There is no single lucky star in the Ox’s palace in 2011. It was a challenge year for the ox in 2011. However, it is not over until their birthday in 2012.
Ms Julie Gillard was born in 1961, the year of the ox and in the rooster month. It will be a tough year for her until September. It will be some changes in March, April 2012 for her.
In the Year of the Dragon, Ox must be more flexible and do not be too stubborn, otherwise Ox is easily isolated.
Ox and the Dragon are in penalty relationship. Beware of smear or slander and implicated by others.
Health: Refer to the above for the four most sensitive animal signs
Wealth: Ox born in 1985 has better income.
Goat (Born in 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)
Beware of lawsuit or argument with your business partners. Be more flexible to yourself and others. Avoid too rigid and persist on your own ideals.
Be very careful, Goat will make a lot of silly mistakes at work. So make sure plenty of rest and at least 7 hours sleep each night.
For working class, if you have a female supervisor or boss, your work will be appreciated and you will be easily getting a promotion provided that no paperwork issues.
There is a lucky star call “Nation Seal”?? in the Goat palace. The “Nation Seal” gives the Goat power and control in 2012 year of the Dragon.
Health: Refer to the above for the four most sensitive animal signs
Wealth: average.
Rat (Born 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)
2011 the rats experienced relationship issue because there were three romantic stars in the Rat’s palace.
The rats in 2012 the year of Dragon, since there is combining with the Dragon, there will be more opportunities getting into partnership in business or working in a team.
Keep yourself in low key position to prevent getting yourself into troubles.
There is a “White Tiger” ?? star in 2012 the year of the Dragon for the Rat. There will be minor medical operation or caesarean section for female if giving birth.
Health issue: excretion system of your body, including, kidneys, urethra, prostate gland for male, bladders…
Wealth: improving in 2012.
Tiger (Born in 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)
The travelling star (??) is in the Tiger’s palace which means Tigers in 2012 the year of the Dragon has a lot more opportunities to travel. It is related to a new job or internal reshuffle.
Tigers will feel dull and the emotion is low in 2012. Avoid go to funerals or hospitals.
Be a volunteer in local library or go the library more often will cheer the Tiger up since there is the study (Wenchang ??) star in their palace.
Health issue: Arms, liver and back.
Wealth: Better than expected.
Rabbit (Born in 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)
Your gossips and troubles including health issues, love and relationship around you will be fading away slowly and completely gone by your birthday month in 2012 year of the Dragon.
Animal sign Rabbit, in 2012 year of the dragon, there are 2 bad stars, sickness and six harms (??, ??) in the palace which will bring some health issue such as flu or tiredness and fatigue.
Luckily, Rabbit has got the Nobleman star (????) in 2012 the year of the Dragon which helps reduce some bad energy and bring in help.
Avoid crowded and polluted places. Do not abuse your power.
Health: lungs, respiration system, teeth.
Wealth: Average
Snake (Born in 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001)
Your rush and travelling won’t subside until your birth month.
There will be twists and turns in work in 2012 the year of Dragon. The Snakes do not feel energetic. Snakes feel alone.
In additional to the Nobleman star (????) in 2012 the year of the Dragon which helps reduce some bad energy and bring in help, the Snake also got the “Sun” shines on them that means there is a male boss or supervisor will look after you, especially for snake born in 1977.
Health: Eyes, hearts, blood pressure.
Wealth: budget well and prepare for 2013.
Horse (Born in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)
Laugh more often.
In 2012 Year of the Dragon, the Horses have got the “Song Moon” (??) and “Blood Dagger” (??). These two stars are in relation to someone in the family may get sick or may pass away. “Blood Dagger” is relation to cuts and wounds. If you are a chef, be very careful managing your knives.
An elderly person in the family may have some health problems.|
On the other hand, the Horses have got the “Heaven Dispel” (??) star in 2012 year of the Dragon. It helps dispel some depression or sadness.
Health: Eyes, hearts, blood pressure.
Wealth: Average except for horses born in 1966. They are a bit worse off.
Monkey (Born in 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)
If you were born in the November, December of the Monkey year, the travelling schedule should be diminished by now.
Monkey combines with the Dragon, in 2012, there are more partnership, join venture opportunities or working in a team. Keep yourself in low profile; otherwise you will attract a lot jealous.
Beware of making mistakes while you are too busy.
The lucky star “San Tai”, ??, will bring you fame and money.
Health: Digestive system, respiratory system, teeth.
Wealth: Excellent.
See next Article for Rooster and Pig continuation...