When it comes to big financial decisions, buying, selling, and inheriting property can be amongst the most stressful. Fortunately, having the right experts on your side certainly makes things easier. At McLennan Steege Smith & Associates, we act as property valuers on Sydney's North Shore. If you've yet to seek a property valuation or are unfamiliar with the process, we're here to show you what we do and how we can make your life easier.

What does a property valuer do?

Identifying the market value of a property in Sydney's North Shore underpins everything we do. We aim to maximise the value of the property in a sale. On the other hand, to help clients who are purchasing property, we ensure you're paying a fair price for the home you're interested in.

A property valuer's services aren't just for buying and selling, though. Some of our clients inherit properties. When that happens, we ensure they don't face more capital gains tax liabilities than is necessary. By identifying the property's true market value, we can help you meet your capital gains tax obligations in a way that's both fair and accurate. Additionally, we can perform retrospective valuations if there was no valuation at the time of the initial sale or purchase.

As a team of well-trained professionals, we're also able to cover niche areas. For example, if you need to use your property to stand bail, we'll provide the evidence a court needs. Or, if you're a landlord who needs to identify the rental value either for a dispute or future contract, we'll give you an accurate estimate.

How do property valuations work?

Our property valuations involve using market research, expert data, and professional experience to provide you with a figure. A lot of factors go into determining a property's value. For example, location plays a significant role, especially in areas like Sydney's North Shore. Aspects such as the property's condition and interior features have a substantial impact and can result in the significant variances you see in properties throughout your area.

After performing our research, taking photos, and compiling notes and data, we'll send you the valuation report, which you can use during the sale and purchase process. If you need a more niche report — such as the ones required for bail applications and capital gains tax — we'll format it accordingly.

Why choose McSS as your property valuers in Sydney's North Shore?

With more than 18 years of experience in the field, our property valuers in Sydney's North Shore will provide the expertise you require. We are committed to providing a high level of service so our clients receive the accuracy and reassurance they deserve. With rapid turnaround times, we can help you save money and maximise sales promptly.

If you're in need of a property valuer, reach out to us.